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There is a world that has angels and demons. Demons are very strong and half of them are evil. They live in hell. A miserable place that only has dark colors. Meanwhile angels are strong and kind. They live in heaven. A beautiful place that has light colors. There is one rule in Hell and Heaven. The rule is that angels and demons/devils should never fall in love with each other. But 2 people broke the rule. Claude de Alger Olgeria, the angel prince and Diana, a devil dancer. They were madly in love until Diana got pregnant. The were very happy. When the gods heard about it they were very mad. They gave a punishment to Diana. She will die when their child becomes 1 year old. After nine months Diana gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Her name is Athanasia de Alger Olgeria, a beautiful girl with light blond hair like her mother and blue jewel eyes like Claude. The blue jewel eyes are a symbol that their apart of the Olgeria family. She looks more like Diana than Claude. She was born half angel and half demon. Then the gods gave a prophecy to Claude and Diana. There will be a beautiful girl like a goddess. She will have the power to rule the Obelia kingdom and be very strong.
What will happen to Athanasia? Will she be happy? Will the gods love her or hate her? Will she be able to control her powers? Will she be able to find a lover?
And who will be the next ruler of Obelia?Is this girl in the prophecy Athanasia? Read to find out what will happen next.



Half angel-devil princess of ObeliaWhere stories live. Discover now