Hope, Grace and Luke all found themselves in a castle which Luke and Grace called their home. They showed Hope around very quickly and what Hope saw amazed her! She found lots of weapons from daggers to Graces type of dagger; she noted the big Clubs and Spears hanging on the wall. She found the palace to have a big arena surrounding the castle where lot’s of men and women would be practicing. This was stunning; she has never seen anything like it. “Now I believe your weapon is the bow and arrow,” said Grace sweetly. “We will work till midnight. Hope’s mouth dropped open. “Mm I know it is not long at all.” Grace said dulling her eyes to the polished, stone floor. “Not long!” Hope belted in her face. “That is almost 10 hours!” Hope said panting. “No, no” said Grace shaking her curls about. Luke spoke next. It was the first time she had heard him speak. His voice was low but in a lifting sort of way. “Alicka has a completely different time to the outside of Earth. The time in Alicka is only 8:00am.” And you will train till 8:00am tomorrow, and get your two minute break then. We need you in good shape, Hope.” Hope smiled he spoke with such meaning and dignity. He wanted to save all of mankind as much as we all did. “Wait, the outside of Earth!?” Hope asked confused, “yes,” Grace confirmed. “Alickia our “inside” world is in the middle of the Earth,” Grace explained. Hope nodded, “let’s get training!” Luke suggested. Then Hope remembered her family, and her only friend Isabel. They wouldn’t know where she went or had gone; they would be worried about her. Hope hesitated then pulled herself together. “Won’t my parents think it’s a bit strange I have just poofed out of nowhere?” Hope asked hesitantly. “No, we will take care of that.” Luke said. “Another code” Luke, Hope and Grace all looked up to see the speakers. Hope frowned “another code.” She repeated it multiple times. “Yes, every now and then we get a secret code, but no one can read it because, frankly, it is in another language.” Grace replied swiftly. “Can I see these ‘foreran codes’ you call them.” Hope asked with a bit of confidence. “Ok” Grace sighed. She led Hope into a room, the room was full of cards and paper and letters. Hope picked one up, it was in funny writing. But to Hope it seemed simple. This is what it read:
“Easy” she said. Grace and Luke flashed looks to each other, back and forth they went. “What do you mean easy?” Grace asked Hope. Hope turned to look at the confused faces. “The writing is Mosby writing.” Hope rolled her eyes. “I can read this” she cleared it out for them. “What does it say then?” Luke asked. “We haven’t been able to tell for years, they are special codes, but we don’t know what they say, please tell us Hope.” Grace prompted. Hope flashed a quick smile hoping nobody saw. “Okay, on one condition.” “What?” Luke rushed the answer, “For some Alicka chocolate.” Hope had always wanted to try other worlds chocolate-even if they were in the middle of the Earth-, to see if it was a good as Earth’s. “Fine” Grace and Luke said nodding to each other. “Bring one of the cards.” As Hope was told, she did. Grace fetched a piece of chocolate and gave it to Hope. Hope tried it. It wasn’t as good as earth’s but still good.
She was handed the newest code that had been transmitted and as fast as you can say Alicka has the best Chocolate! She worked out the code just like that! “How do you do that?”Asked Luke and Grace at the exact same time! “I am asking myself the same question” answered Hope. “It just came it seems to just all evolve in my head when I started reading the code.” “I don’t know how I did it though!” Hope handed the code back to Grace and told her to get a piece of paper and pen because the code was a long one. As soon as Grace came back with the paper and pen Hope explained the code to her and Luke. “Tick Tock on the Clock your time is running out, you have to figure out clue number two which is just beneath you.” “That is all” asked Luke startled? “Yep, that sure is all that came out to me from the code” “Well than” Grace was also startled. “It looks like we have found your special talent!” “Oh and by the way Dero gave me this bag to give to you and he said that there is something in there for all of us” Luke said, he sounded excited. “Can you please just open it up?”Prompted Grace “please, please, please, please, please?” “Okay, here we go.” Hope slowly opened the bag, and out floated a pair of contacts, wings, and a potion. The potion was a steaming, bright red. As the things floated down onto the stone cold floor Grace, Luke and Hope were amazed by the delicacy of the landing and the beauty was just breath taking. The things on the floor started to rise up again. They were an inch above the stone-cold floor. The wings floated to Grace, the contacts floated to Hope and the potion floated to Luke. Each thing they were holding in their hand matched each one of them perfect and was very special. Grace looked at her watch. “Right!” We need to train Hope! It is already 9:30 am.” Her voice sounded dull, not as friendly as it was two minutes ago. Grace led the way. Hope noted the unfamiliar hallways had paintings of all the gods hung-up high. “Grace are you sure this is the right way?” asked Luke. “It’s a short cut” she snapped. Grace turned around to them and took a step behind Hope, who was at the back and pushed her. Hope tumbled into a cell, where they kept the prisoners. Then Grace pushed Luke into another cell. It was like a jail. “Grace what are you doing!?” Luke threw in her face. Grace smiled and flipped her curls and turned away. As she walked by Hope’s cell, Hope saw red in her eyes. After Hope was sure Grace had left the room she told Luke what she had worked out. “Grace has a bad spirit in her I saw it in her eyes.” Hope sounded serious and concerned. “We need to break out.” exclaimed Luke. Hope gasped “how?” she asked. Luke dug into his pocket and pulled out the red potion. He slowly pulled out the small cork and drunk the potion. “Agh it tastes appalling.” He said with a mouth full of it. Slowly Hope heard him swallow it. There was no more in the bottle. Luke stretched out his arms and walked towards the metal bars. He clamped his hands around them. Then with all his strength he pulled and pulled and the two parallel bars twisted and broke off. Luke was panting and jumped out the cell and ripped Hope’s bars apart. They were now free and they had to save Grace from this burning, bad spirit within her.