Chapter 20- Cornucopia Feast

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I open my eyes and it's still a bit dark outside. Perfect.

Last night was the first night Cato and I got to ever sleep beside each other and not just hold hands in the darkness. Sleeping in his arms and resting my head in the crook of his neck is a feeling I long to get used to.

We fell asleep right after the Fallen Tributes played. The three deaths were Marvel, Zale, and the girl from District 11, Rue, who presumably was aligned with Katniss.

Cato's theory is that Marvel speared the girl from 11 causing Katniss to retaliate and shoot him in the chest. But at that point, both parties were dead.

I roll out of Cato's grasp carefully and quietly pull on my boots and gather my belongings. I don't want to wake Cato, I'll let him wake up on his own.

Last night before falling asleep, we devised a plan. I agreed to run into the Cornucopia and Cato will stay perched in the woods in case we have a tail or if I need backup.

As much as Cato insisted he'd go into the Cornucopia, it makes the most sense for me to do it. Not only do I want to, but right now I can move a lot better than he can and I'm speedy.

I venture into Cato's bag and grab a blueberry muffin to snack on while I wait for Cato to wake up. As I pick at it, I survey Cato's ankle.

It doesn't look as shiny as yesterday which means it isn't bleeding as bad, but it still looks very raw. Cato is still visibly sick, so going to the Cornucopia and getting this pack remains crucial.

We also agreed, if I feel confident when I run out to grab our pack, I'll steal District 12's as well. There is no doubt in my mind Katniss will be making a trip to the Cornucopia today to save her poor darling Peeta who is somehow still kicking.


Cato's voice is a raspy whisper. He pats the dirt next to him.

"I'm right here, Cato."

"No you're not," he mumbles. His eyes are still closed but he's wearing a frown. "You were right here all night and now you're over there. Come back."

I can't help but giggle. I bring my muffin and his backpack to where he's laying.

We eat out breakfasts together while gulping down the water in our bottles. The sun is starting to peak through a little bit which means sunrise is on the horizon.

It's almost time.

While Cato packs up his things, I push the spile into another tree and fill both our bottles back up. I reach into my backpack and attach one of my larger knives to my vest and I keep the other in my hand.

After these two big ones, I will have only one large knife left and have to depend on the smaller ones on my vest. Cato and I trek quietly through the woods in the direction of the Cornucopia.

My stomach is bubbling with excitement. Getting this medicine means we are one big step closer to going home.

I can practically see our victory and can feel a gold crown around my head. We are so close.

Just on time, we reach the end of the woods and pretty colors swirl in the sky resembling a true sunrise. As promised, a table sits in front of the cornucopia with four numbered packs.

2, 5, 11, and 12.

I check my shoulder to see Cato, kneeling in front of large tree armed and ready to attack. He gives me a reassuring nod.

I look carefully around to see if I can spot any other tributes preparing to make their run. I crouch down slowly and inch forward with my head on a swivel.

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