Chapter 23- Romeo & Juliet

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I lay on my chest and my shoulder screams searing in pain. I can feel the blood trickling from the arrow, down my shirt. The the pain is so bad I feel dizzy and overwhelmed with utter agony. 

I turn my head to see Katniss pointing an arrow at Cato.

"Go on. Shoot." he grins.

The blood dripping down Cato's face is much more prominent now as his wound has gotten worse. He's spitting blood and his jaw looks terrible, crooked and visibly swollen.

"Then we both go down and you win," he looks at me.

Katniss keeps her arrow pointed at Cato and stares at him blankly. I slowly move my arm closer to my chest but as I do this, I feel my wound leak even more.

"Go on, I'm dead anyway." Cato pants.

His words fill my eyes with tears as I come to the sudden realization of what he means. As if we didn't know how corrupt the capitol was to begin with, if Cato and I were to walk away victors, we'd be the Capitols property.

It's a lose lose. Now that I'm here, in the arena, on my deathbed and have witnessed everything, all I feel is violated.

I have worked and trained my entire life ready to take on these games and bring honor to my district, but it feels like it was all for nothing. We've already been stripped our humanity from these games and when we return back to 2 we're going to be stripped of our lives.

Cato is right and I wish I didn't come to this horrible realization while the two of us are bleeding out.

"I always was, right?" Cato grins, "A-And, I didn't know that until now."

He turns his head to look up at the artificial sky, "How's that? Is that what they want? Huh!"

Katniss's grip on her arrow she has pulled back stiffens and for a second, I think she's going to release the arrow she's been holding onto, but she doesn't.

With the strength and dignity I have left in myself, I carefully clutch a knife from my vest and tug it out of its holding spot. In the corner of my eye, I look for Katniss's stare and it's still focused on Cato who's taunting her for stiffening her grip.

He stands up slowly, taking in Katniss's stance and says, "I can still do this. I can still do this. One more kill...It's the only thing I know how to do."

Why she hasn't shot him I don't know.

"Brining pride to my district...not that it matters."

With all my might I have left in me, I send my knife flying towards the girl on fire and it pierces her in the heart.

She falls to her knees with her mouth ajar and her bow and arrow clanks to the ground. I watch her body fold in front of me and I start laughing.

I hear her cannon go out and I gasp. I'm uncontrollably laughing as I feel more blood flood from the arrow still engraved in my shoulder.

I'm laughing because I killed her. I killed both tributes from District 12, my mission since I watched her reaping. I'm laughing because I feel foolish, training my entire life to do the capitols dirty work and help them execute and sacrifice innocent children.

I'm laughing because I know I've been taken advantage of. I'm laughing because my entire existence and life has been a complete lie.

I'm laughing because I'm just a piece in President Snow's game.

My laughs turn into cries and suddenly I'm sobbing whilst laying on my stomach, atop of the Cornucopia. Cato comes over to hug me which only makes me cry harder.

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