S'mores and Spooky Stories

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By then it had grown dark. The sun's last rays shone through the cafeteria's windows and cast long shadows across the floor. Drew felt a shift in the air. He sat on edge waiting for the announcement he knew was coming, the announcement that would finally signal the official start of camp.

Almost on cue, Link stood up and said "Alright, campers! Once you're done, make sure to put up your dishes and you can head out to the bonfire!"

Drew jumped out of his seat. The other two looked at him. "S'mores time!" they all yelled and rushed their dishes back to the kitchen.

They burst out of the cafeteria and sped down the sandy path to the bonfire. Turning the corner, they saw another camper already waiting where CaptainSparkelz and JennaMarbles were laying out s'mores ingredients.

"Damn it!" Kurtis yelled as they filed in behind him. "How did you get here so fast?" The curly haired boy wearing a bucket hat and sunglasses in front of them turned around. He looked at them over the top of his sunglasses and, in an Australian accent, said, "Because I do not mess around when it comes to s'mores. If there is a s'more, I will be there to eat it." "Well we won't get in your way then," Danny said. "Nice shades by the way." The Aussie's face shifted into a smile at the compliment. He pushed his dark curls behind his ears and said, "Yes, I do have excellent taste and style. Thank you for noticing." "I'm Danny by the way. And this is Kurtis and Drew," Danny said pointing to his friends. "My name is Mike," the boy said.

"Is this the line for s'mores?" another voice asked behind the group. The four of them turned to see another boy with short brown hair and a backwards baseball cap. His face was average, so much so that Drew found it hard to describe in its mediocrity. His only defining feature was his incredibly white teeth that seemed to glow even in the waning sunlight. Danny responded to the boy, "Yea it is. Hey, I don't think I recognize you. Is this your first year?" "Yeah. I'm Scott. Scott Cramer," he said, sticking out his hand. They introduced themselves, then Scott asked, "So what are y'all looking forward to most? It seems like they have a lot planned for us." "There's a hike at the end of the month I'm looking forward to," Drew said. "I for one am ready for canoeing," Danny said with a grin. "Is that down at the lake?" Scott asked. Danny hummed in confirmation. "Sick. I'm looking forward to swimming out there," Scott said. "You swim?" Kurtis asked, intrigued. "Yeah. I'm on a swim team back home. I'm actually trying out for team captain after camp is over, " Scott said. He then lifted up his sleeve and pointed at a tattoo on his upper arm. "This is actually our team mascot," Scott said grinning with pride.

The group said nothing for a moment before Kurtis asked, "Your mascot is a can of baked beans?" This caused Drew and Danny to burst out laughing. Drew turned around and Danny covered his mouth with his hands, trying in vain to hide his amusement. Scott quickly tugged his sleeve down as his face and neck turned red.

"No sorry. Wrong side, haha," Scott quickly said before awkwardly laughing. He then pulled up his other sleeve to reveal a dolphin with sunglasses on. "It was a dare," Scott said, though Drew wasn't sure which tattoo he was referencing.

Before they could say anymore, Jenna Marbles announced everything was ready. They grabbed their skewers with marshmallows and plates of chocolate and graham crackers and rushed to the fire. Drew always took the longest, intent on getting the perfect golden crust on all sides of the marshmallow. So when he finally finished, his friends had already claimed a spot on the logs a little way from the fire.

When walking over to join them, he accidentally kicked Kurtis' backpack, which had been leaning against the log they sat at. "Jeez, dude. What do you have in there? A brick?" he said. "Um, I don't know," Kurtis said, leaning to unzip the bag. "Oh it's my book. I must have forgotten to leave it in The Box," he said. "That might be a good thing. I don't know if that's worthy of The Box," Danny replied. "Well it might not even matter. That thing is too big to go in The Box," Drew said, pressing down on the graham cracker he's placed on top of his marshmallow. It squished into the perfect disk of sugary fluff.

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