Girl the tattoo 🦋

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Armani Jada Brown POV

AFTER CLASS was over i went to the deli with my two sisters and god sister
And I seeing the same kid notti with his gang or whatever. I look over to see him staring at my face I love when a guy is staring at me but this nigga was different he looked so good but I didn't know what to do  or say to him and he also had a girlfriend named Ciara and she was good enough for him  I zoned out for a minute before he walked to me and I came back to reality  realizing I was staring back at him.
" umm you need something Armani " notti said
" yes sorry i zoned out for a second " I say trying to walk away Then he grab me and turned me around smiling.
" you good ma" he said looking me in the eyes
" ok thanks " I say looking him in his eyes
We kept staring in each other's eyes till his gf Ciara walked up hugging him then mugging me till I said something to her.
" what tf you looking at " I say to her dead mugging her back
" you nasty hoe" she said back making notti and his friends laugh.
" Ik your not talking" I say to her looking her up and down because she looked like a bum.
" and is tf you gon do" she said back walking up to me. I punch her in her jaw and she started bleeding out her mouth then trying to grab me she fell on the floor from my fast reflexes dodging her punch then I started jumping her and dog walking her  then somebody grab me from behind it was notti....
OF COURSE this nigga had to protect his " baby"  then he put me down outside
" what the hell is wrong with you" notti said looking at me in the eye.
" oh so your gonna protect your little baby after what the fuck she said to me" I say making eye contact with notti.
" yes I am she is my gf why wouldn't I" he said back mugging me.
" ok then why you ain't in there getting her off the floor den" I say to him mugging him back.
" listen Armani I liked you when you didnt hurt my girl but now you got to go" he said like I was in his house or something.
" nigga move then" I say moving out of his grasp and walking to my house.
" sis you good" my little sister Jordan says to me knowing I'm mad.
" yeah I'm good sis " I say back sitting on my bed rolling up a blunt.
" ok mom said she is going on a business trip with auntie" Jordan says to me siting next to me hugging me.
" ok Jordan " I say back  finally lighting the blunt and putting it to my plump lips before smoking it.
" ok and Aaliyah went out with the guys from school with jay" Jordan says getting up before going to her room closing the door.
"OK" I say yelling back a response
Then I went to the location that my sister sent to me where ddot, dd, notti, Jaylyn and Aaliyah was I wasn't gonna go but jay and liyah wanted me to go so bad I just give in.
" hey guys" I say hugging everyone but notti
" hey " they all say back except notti he wasn't saying anything  just looking at his phone.
" yo notti aren't you gonna say something to mani" dd said looking at notti while smoking a blunt.
" I don't want too" he said getting up and going to his room doing whatever boys do.
" what's wrong with him" my sister Aaliyah said before sitting on ddot's lap.
" idk" ddot said before putting his hands on Aaliyah's waist.
" Ik why" I said low so they can't hear me.
"I'll go talk to him" I said not trying to make it bigger to see then it needs to be.
I run up stairs bumping into a tall boy with light skin and brown eyes.
" slow down ma" the tall boy said looking me in the eyes making eye contact.
" I'm sorry and who are you" I say turning my head to break the eye contact.
"My name is  jay " the tall boy said
" I'm Armani " I say back to him looking in his eyes till I saw notti death starting me and jay.
" um I'm looking for notti" I say looking at jay
" oh ok his room is down the hall I'm his older brother btw" he said taking me to notti's room
" oh ok that must be why you two look alike" I say then thanking him walking in notti's room
It was a pretty room...
" hey....." I say
" hey" he said back looking at me
I looked at him the zoning out again looking at his features on his face then his body and then looking at his eyes.
" are you gonna keep staring or are you gonna talk" he says annoyed
I come back to reality.
" um yeah so....."

What y'all think do you think notti and Armani are gonna hook up or nah Lmk in the comments

Ms. Author lady ✍️

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