In Love💓

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Armani jada Brown POV
"Um yeah so I just wanted to say I'm sorry
For the-" i say before I get cut off by my phone ringing  " hold on" I say checking my phone to see my ex Jayden calling me I decline the call and went back to talking with notti.
"Um sorry about that" i say to notti as he is staring me dead in the eye
" it's fine" he says looking me up and down
" yeah so I just wanted to say I'm sorry for earlier"  I say to notti looking down to avoid eye contact.
" it's alright I'm sorry for getting mad earlier I don't know why I did because you beat her clean" he says laughing a little.
" and did" I say doing this face"🥱" 
" so are we friends again" I say putting my arms out to hug him.
" we're always gonna be friends even if your little ass beat up my girlfriend again" he says laughing and putting his arms out to hug me.
I hug him and since he's taller then me I put my hands on his waist and he puts his hands around my neck After we were done hugging we go back downstairs laughing.
" I see someone smiling real hard" my twin sister says laughing.
" girl am not" I say trying not to smile.
" oh really " notti says looking down laughing and smiling with that billion dollar smile. If he knew what I'd let him do to me rn.
" I-um I got to go home " I say looking at him.
" oh ok I'll walking you home" notti says.
"Ok..." I say then looking at my sisters
" are y'all coming or staying over " I say looking at my sisters.
" yeah we staying over here tonight" my god sister says then going back to her conversation with dd.
" ok sis" I say grabbing notti's  hand and walking out the door.
We were just walking, talking and laughing at each other until we saw my ex walking up to us
" notti act like your my bf or sum" i say quickly
" wait why" he says
" just because " I say and he comes behind me and starts holding my waist when I say I started blushing mad hard.
" hey Armani" Jayden says mugging notti.
" hey..." I say trying not to start a conversation.
"Who this" Jayden says still mugging notti
" her boyfriend" notti says mean mugging him back.
"Oh ok" Jayden saying walking off quickly.
" now explain " he says laughing.
" oh that was my ex boyfriend Jayden" i say
" oh ok he looks like Ciara" he says
" yeah it's because their siblings " i say.
I knew Ciara before her and notti was thing me and her were like best friends then I started dating her brother and we became closer then she started acting like a opp and saying things behind my back and we stopped being friends.
" how you know" notti says looking at me in the eye.
" it's a long story ok" I say irritated.
" ok sorry" he says putting his hands up in the air in defense.

What y'all thing about this chapter
Lmk new chapter coming up tonight or tomorrow
Ms Author lady ✍️

My love<3 II Notti OsamaWhere stories live. Discover now