Fuck love

212 2 6

Warning ⚠️: this chapter contains
Mature scenes/ sexual content

Armani Jade Brown POV
I woke up to rocks hitting my window as I said before me and notti got very close and he started coming over more. I walked over to my window on the second floor and open it to see Ethan " notti osama" Reyes  and somebody else who I really didn't see.

" who's this Notti " I say still looking at the small figure.
" Ciara " notti says looking at the girl and smiling.
" Ethan fucking Reyes wtf" I say annoyed because I know damn well this nigga ain't really do that.
" the gov " he says mugging me
" idgaf" I say anger burning inside my small body.
" watch ya mouth mani" he says before coming in my room with Ciara.
" hi Armani" Ciara says smirking.
" ain't no mother fucking " hi" bitch" i say mugging her.
"Yo chill" notti says before lighting up a blunt.
" notti can I talk to you for a second" I say giving him the " im finna kill your dumb ass outside" look.
" yeah" he says.
" wtf Ethan you could have told me that dumb ass hoe was coming" I say looking in his dark brown eyes.
" sorry I had to bring her if you want her to go just lmk" he says before hugging me.
" yeah ok" is all I say before kicking Ciara out.
" sorry again" he says looking deep in my eye.
" mhm sure" I say.


I'm sitting on my bed while notti is on the game playing 2k with dd and ddot i start to get bored so I wanted to prank notti with the " bending over " prank  so I wait for him to go to the bathroom and I start setting up the cameras I finally get done and run to the bed then I see him walk back to the room and start his game back up it's finally time.
I get up and " accidentally"  drop my phone and bend over in front of him and pick up my phone.
"Oops sorry" I say picking my phone up and see him staring me down like I'm his food of sum shit.
" what you mean "im sorry" you know what your doing" he says looking at my face then my body and back up.
" I said I was sorry notti" I say  and walk back to the bed and lay there on my phone for a minute then bend over in front of him again this time he smacked my ass hard with his hands.
"Ow wth Ethan " I say rubbing my ass with my hand.
" sorry ma" he says then looks back at his game.

I ended up bending over a lot more  in front of him then he turned off his game and chased after me then he caught me some how he threw me on the bed and started play fighting with me.
Then i sat on his lap slapping him over and over again lightly. I wanted to turn him on to make the video a bit better so I start rocking back and forth on his lap making him moan lightly.

" stop mami" he said in my ear.
I turned red from the word " mami".
So I just kept rocking back and forth on his lap making him moan more.
After I did that the second time he put me on the bed and started making out with me then taking his clothes off and took mine off.
" are you sure your ready" I said in my head.
Then he put it in making me moan loud he start going in and out slow then fast the slow again.


I tried getting up and i just fell because of my legs being mad weak then I heard laughter.
" ain't nothing fucking funny Ethan" I say look him in the eye.
" watch the gov or I'll fuck you more " he says before laughing again.
" mhm" I say just getting back in bed bc I'm not finna get laughed at.
" I love you ma" he says in my ear.
" I love you too notti" I say back before going to sleep.

Author's POV
Sorry I haven't been posting I've been busy asf but the smut part was not even planned out I just thought " well maybe it wouldn't be too bad" but HELL TO THE MFING NO idk if I'll be doing this a lot but just for y'all this is for you. Love ya my loves
Ms. Author lady ✍️

My love<3 II Notti OsamaWhere stories live. Discover now