Chapter No.1

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I sat on the edge of the HMS Pogue propping myself up with my elbows and soaking up the last of the good ol' summer sun for the day. I felt a small splash against my practically bare Body, so i sat up opening my eyes to find John B fishing. Kie was texting god knows who, and J was doing probably something stupid. Pope was manning the helm but clearly staring at Kie the entire time and not at the marsh. so safe. I look over just in time to see John B pulling in a very good catch.

"Nice one John B!" i said sitting up and placing the glasses that sat on my nose, up to the top of my head. I wore a periwinkle Bikini and JJ's sunglasses now on my head. i stood up and stretched. when i stopped i found JJ staring at me. "What're you looking at blondie?" i questioned, crossing my arms.

"Aww you know what i'm looking at" he said taking a glimpse at my chest. I shoved him over as he gave me his trademark grin. "Hey let me show you all a party trick" JJ said standing up on the tip of The Bow. 

"Terrifying" Kie whispered already standing up.

"hey Pope can you go a little faster please?" jj asked all sweet, though everyone on that boat knew what was coming, and it wasn't sweet.

"here we go i'm movin" john b muttered walking to the farthest edge of the boat away from jj and crouching down.

"It doesn't work" pope said to john B

"I know, we've tried it like 6,000 times" he said slightly annoyed.

"I got this guys it's gonna work" he said as confidently as possible. Damn that man has an ego.

"Some party trick" i said cowering behind Pope, already knowing what was going to happen.

"Hey you know I don't like this suddenly negative attitude, keep it poisitive my bros, channel your inner Kie" JJ said getting ready with the beer in his hand.

"I'm not staying positive" Kie pointed out, squinting at JJ with the sun in her eyes.

JJ stood at the tip of the bow and held the beer up away from his face, tilting it backwards as Pope sped up. JJ let the beer fly back into his mouth, but of course it went everywhere but his mouth.

"Oh my god your getting beer in my hair" Kie said ducking behind me.

"And all over your face!" I told JJ putting up a hand infront of bpth me and Kie to try and sheild us.

"Aaaand all over the boat" John B said nodding his head looking around at the mess JJ was creating.

"So basically everywhere but your mouth dude!" Pope said, with beer flying in his face since he was the only one standing, driving the boat.

"All right, all right!" pope said signaling for JJ to stop.

"ok your done!" John B yelled at JJ who persisted, still standing.

"Stop! JJ!" John B said pushing his hand in front of his face to shield himself from the flying beer. 

It happened so fast. The motor of the boat rattled and made some sounds i did not want to hear as it flipped to the side faster then the winds last night Agatha was blowing. The boat jerked and water flew up around us, leaving everyone flying and sprawled on the floor while JJ was flipped over into the marsh headfirst from the impact. everyone took a couple of seconds to get up and check for bruises.

"Jesus pope!" Kie said groaning and getting up having hit her head on the floor of the boat.

I had hit my head on the side, but i had seen JJ go flying into the marsh and slowly got up to look over the side. "JJ!" I called out walking over to the edge of the Boat. JJ emerged from the water headfirst, groaning loudly. "i think my heels touched the back of my head" he said still in the water.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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