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DAY 03

AT THE SOUND, my blood ran cold. It was barely distinguishable over the deafening sound of the pouring rain, but I still heard it. And I immediately knew what it meant. A chill went through my body as I remembered the man screaming from last night before being violently cut off by the howl of a wolf.

I swallowed.

Taking a steadying breath, I slowly began to turn
away from the power box to face the creature who made the menacing growl. When my gaze settled on what awaited me, my eyes widened.

Standing in the rain was a not just one, but a whole pack of Oregon grey wolves. Shocked, I gasped, taking a step back. However, that was a big mistake. My sudden movement elicited a torment of growls and canine whines echoed throughout the clearing as they slowly exited the thick covering of trees, stepping out into the open. Their golden eyes glowed as they watched me, their shoulder joints rolling as they prowled closer with deadly silent precision.

I fought the urge to just run as a powerful wave of primal fear rushed through my body, making my body shake and my head spin. Nevertheless, I fought my mind to stay calm. If I knew anything about wolves, it was that they could sense if I was afraid, and would attack. Instead, I kept my eyes ahead, watching the glowing eyes that dotted the trees around me.

One of the largest wolves stepped forward before the rest, its golden eyes flittering over me as it watched me carefully. I sucked in a breath, slowly reaching for my gun that was strapped to my waist. At the movement, the wolf's lips pulled up into a snarl, revealing deadly rows of sharp teeth as it let out a warning growl.

My hands shook uncontrollably as I fumbled over my gun until I finally managed to grab it. Lacing my cold fingers around the handle, I pulled it out slowly, keeping my eyes on the large wolf as I used both hands to hold my gun out before me. Then, I cocked the trigger.

The sound was loud, immediately catching the wolf's attention. The creature's eyes flared as it snarled at the gun in my hands before lurching at me. Pushing its powerful paws off the ground, the wolf charged at me with its teeth bared and jowls snapping.

Reacting immediately, I quickly raised my gun and fired. The night lit up with the explosion of gun powder as I shot a bullet into the wolf just as it took one final lunge at me. The bullet lodged its way into its chest, and the wolf fell with a pained yelp, it's body tumbling into the wet dirt just a breath away from where I stood.

When the wolf fell, I let out a breath. Fog fanned around my mouth from the cold night air, my body shivering violently from the cold torment of rain and the rush of fear and adrenaline. My shoulders rose and fell with my quick breaths as I kept my gun aimed, pointing it into the dark where dozens of glowing golden eyes continued to watch me from the trees.

The thud of the wolf's body against the wet Earth silenced the forest for a long moment. Glowing eyes watched me from the trees as the moment stretched, then without warning, all hell broke lose. All of the sudden, howls pierced the air from between the trees as the rest of the wolves cried out into the night, growing louder and more wild as they fed off each others hunger and rage.

Shit shit shit! I cursed to myself, wiping the rain from my face as I watched the wolves grow closer. I knew that if I ran they would chase me the moment I turned my back to them, but my gun only had twelve rounds in the chamber, eleven after the wolf I just took down. And it was dark, and I was shivering. My aim wouldn't be perfect, and there were at least a dozen of wolves out there in the woods.

And those were only the ones that I could see...I thought darkly, glancing over to the cabin door. It was only a few yards away, but these wolves were quick.

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