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My name is Y/N Longthorn and I the second siblings of fourth. My first brother name is Marcus Longthorn and he can make a soul trait without effort at all unlike me who make a soul trait from most important thing to them but without it u can make a soul without trait. My little sister name Sam Longthorn can make a soul trait and use them to fight and my non biological little sister name sayaka Longthorn can't make a soul trait but my family and I love her as family.

My dad is a scientist and my mother is a politician. One day dad is going to built something, me and my siblings are going to peek my dad working but our mom has seen us and tell us to be quiet.

2 days later dad is done working and he tell us this machine. It was like a grey door but my dad say that this is not a normal door, this is a door between reality and void. If someone was going to the void they can see another timeline but the risk is their age will be increased to become older than current age so my dad need to make a protection to keep their age as current as be. After that explanation we were going out to our bed but once I got out to dad's workroom there's a voice in that door saying "if someone can hear me, please help." At first I ignored it and going to my bed saying that it's my imagination. But the next day I hear that voice in my dad's workroom saying help. Because I see that is not my imagination and curious I'm going to my dad's workroom and say to the voice.

Y/N: hello?

???: ah, hello my child. I see that you can hear me.

Y/N: wh- who are- no, what are you?

Gaster: ah, my apologies. My name is W.D Gaster you can call me Dr.Gaster and I'm a monster.

Y/N: (monster? I thought that was a myth and that one I asked is a one of them.)

Gaster: I see that you confused. It's ok but put aside that now I need your favour.

Y/N: what is it?

Gaster: to put it simply I'm a scientist and make a monster new hope. The core. This machine can create a electricity through heat but when I expanded it there's a accident and I fall through the core and got stuck in the void. When I stuck I can see the timeline on underground and surface. To get me out I need a soul because I got shattered through time and space.

Y/N: but I don't know your soul trait.

Gaster: Don't worry monster souls don't need trait and they can use magic without trait.

Y/N: oh, that make much easier and I know what I have to do.

Gaster: oh, you do?

Y/N: yeah, wait right here.


Gaster POV

what that kid doing? What I mean is his soul. I need to steal his soul to make me alive. What is- *KNOCK KNOCK*.

Gaster: what is it?

Y/N: here, I can make a soul.

Gaster:wait, you can make a soul?

Y/N: yeah, actually my family can make soul but only I can make a soul without trait. I need a memories thing to make a soul but, put aside just now. I have to complete it. So, what I have to do?

Gaster: open the door and I will accept it.



And that I open the door and look at skeleton who melt. I recieved him a soul that I created it and he transform when I give him a soul and that make him not meltlike anymore.

Just then I look at Gaster who like a skeleton and wear a black coat white shirt and black longs. He thanked me and get out of the void but when I have to see my family my family comes into dad's workroom and looked shocked at Gaster. I explained them that he didn't dangerous and want to get free. My family believed in me but they say that he need to stay at this mansion. I agreed and show to him a library. Gaster asked me.

Gaster: wow, I don't know that this human books are so huge even our monster library not that big.

Y/N: actually, our library aren't big as a three family.

Gaster: Oh.

Y/N: wait you knew?

Gaster: remember I can see past timeline in surface and underground.

Y/N: oh, speaking of the underground how was it?

Gaster: it was good until one incident

Y/N: what is it?

Gaster: maybe I tell you on bedstory

Y/N: okay but I'll sleep between my siblings is that okay?

Gaster: oh, speaking of your family who were they?

Y/N: oh, they were my family my dad is a scientist just like you and my mother is a politician. My big brother is Marcus and he's 12 years old. He's so cool because he can make a soul trait without effort unlike me as second brother oh, by the way my name is Y/N and I'm 10 years old. My little sister is Sam and she's 9 years old. She can make a soul trait as a weapon. Now for fourth one she is an adopted one but we care for her. Her name is sayaka and just different as 2 days.

Gaster: oh is that so? Well, I have a family too but I don't remember my wife name due in the void for so long but I remember my sons name.

Y/N: oh yeah? Who was it?

Gaster: my first son name is sans and I taught him about magic and timeline now for my second son name is papyrus but he's too young when I stucked in void so he probably doesn't remember me.

When we explored the library I realised that it's past dinner time. I'm going to dinner room as Gaster looked at me confused until realize that it was dinner time so he will going into dinner room.

After dinner we are going to bed and Gaster are ready to tell us our bed stories.

Gaster: so children, are you ready for bedstroies.

All: yes.

Gaster: okay, here's the stories

One day a human name chara want to fall into underground because she hate humanity. She was found out by Asriel the prince monsters and they brought him into underground safe. He then brought her into the dreemurs family the monster royal family and treat her as family. At first she is shy but as times went by she gets comfortable. One day chara has a plan to break the barrier is to make like suicide and destroy the village to gather 6 more soul to destroy the barrier so she ate the buttercups and got ill. The human got one request is to put her on the ground full of flowers. One day chara died. Asriel cried and used her soul to cross the barrier and put her on the ground full of flowers. But when he want to come back the human see Asriel and though he killed chara so they used their weapons to hurt Asriel. He can killed all humans as self protect but he didn't and after he back he got hurt and died. Cried as 2 of their children died Asgore the kings monsters declared the war against humanity. Toriel the queen monsters got disgusted and went into ruins to wait another human comes in and protect them.

Gaster: and that's the story about first human. The End

And as we goes to sleep we didn't realize that our tears comes in and say "did we just cared about first human went through?" Well I need to found out the rest of stories. Chara huh? That's a nice name.

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