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Finishing her stew a while later, the short haired girl reluctantly said her goodbyes to the cousins, asking Hana to give her number to Seungkwan so she could text him later about the recording session.

The 9:30 lesson was pretty ordinary, nothing too special although it was better than her most recent lecture. Jihye had been throwing her looks all throughout the session, sometimes glaring, sometimes wiggling her eyebrows - clearly still very invested in what had happened from the night before. Almost as soon as the seminar had ended, she had rushed to grab Min on the shoulders, dragging the taller girl away and into a corridor to the side.

"You'd better tell me everything."

"I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed if I told you what actually happened," She shrugged her shoulders whilst wearing a wolfish grin.

"You're telling me you didn't get with him? You didn't even make a move? Are you joking?"

"I've told you from day 1 to not get your hopes up," Minhui put her arm over the smaller girl's shoulder, pulling her out from the narrow side hall and into the larger and better-lit main corridor.

Jihye looked at her in disbelief, hands clutching the sides of her head as she struggled to form words.

"Min. I love you, I really do.. but why are you never shooting your shot? You're hot, you're smart, you're an overall great person and I'm sure Minho thinks the same too - you two would be such a good match!"

"Jihye, Minho's a great guy, but I only see him as a-"

Cut off by a familiar ringtone sound, Minhui took her phone from her pocket, glancing at the screen.

'Incoming call from Minho'

"Speak of the devil"

Pressing down on the green button, she placed her phone to her ear (despite Jihye's frustrated hand gestures to put it on speaker mode).

"Min-ah, me and Kibum are on a break together near the Performing Arts college, you want to come?"

Quickly revising her mental schedule for the day, she decided that meeting up with Minho and Kibum wouldn't cause many side effects and therefore settled on a "Yeah sure" before hanging up, checking the text which was a photo of their location.

"This is why I want you guys to just-"

Placing a hand over Jihye's mouth, Minhui gave her a saccharine sweet smile, signing with her eyes to let it go. Originally, she had planned to take the shorter individual along with her, but after realising it would just end with her either making love eyes at Minho or matching-making him and Minhui together, she decided maybe it was a bad idea.

After a minute or two of hard persuasion, Jihye decided to let it go ('just this one time' she had said) and so Min began her short but sweet time of freedom before she would need to return to a very impatient friend and a stack of music theory assignments. Approaching the music block, she looked between the building and the photo that Minho had sent to her, eyes scanning the surrounding area for any similarities, to which she found no avail. Still unsure, she took her phone back out and was half a second from calling Minho before she noticed the sound of uneven, light treading footsteps behind her, inching closer.

Spinning around without a moment of hesitation, she turned to see a certain 6'0 man, hunched over whilst making urgent hand gestures towards his blonde friend who standing a couple meters away, looking at him, an incredulous look pasted on his face.

"Minho? What are you doing?" She asked, scratching the side of her head at the situation.

Rolling his eyes at his friend's unsuccessful surprise jumpscare, Kibum walks towards them, grabbing the back of Minho's collared shirt, pulling him up so he's standing straight.

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