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Believing it to just be him feeling touched at Minhui's suggestion, Seungkwan held himself back from replying too hastily, fumbling out a "Sounds like a good idea" before turning to the opposite side and letting out a relieved breath.

"Great! I'll send you the audio file so you can listen to it until we next meet. I really don't mind postponing the recording - in fact I think it's a great idea that we can dive deeper into the meaning of the song - so just make sure to have some confidence. Don't let this get to you, okay?"

Not daring to meet her eyes, Seungkwan stares at the floor, nodding his head in gratitude at her thoughtfulness. "I-I'll text you when I'm free."

Tilting her head down so she could see his face properly, the other snickered at his actions.

"Hey, Boo Seungkwan, why are you avoiding eye contact? Do you not want to be friends, is that it?" Sighing disappointedly, Minhui did her best to stop herself from letting out a laugh, "I thought we were bonding, I guess it was only me who wanted to catch up."

Within an instant, his ash-blue hair whips up, finding her teasing brown eyes with his panicked, wide ones.

"Wait- no! I actually really wanted to catch up with you too, I really wanted to be friends with you back-"

Realising that she had only been messing with him, Seungkwan's shoulders slump down in relief and he shoots her a playful glare, attempting to brush off his last comment about really wanting to be friends.

Clearly having noticed what he had said, Minhui still didn't bring it up, feeling that she had teased the poor boy too much already. Instead, she gestures for him to take out his phone and types in her contact details, passing the phone back to him. He notices she saved herself as 'Min' and beams internally, trying to stop himself from cracking a smile. Seungkwan knew for one, that Lee Minhui was a tough nut to crack, recalling the past days where he had admired her from afar.

"Boo Seungkwan, what are you staring so intently at?"

Seungcheol placed his heavy hand onto the smaller boy's shoulder, causing the other to almost jump up from his chair.

Seungkwan had been (not so subtly) stealing glances at a certain girl who had made her way into his classroom to join a friend for lunch break when a small group of boys had snuck up on him.

"Yeah Seungkwan, tell us! We know it's one of those three over there, you're making it pretty obvious."

"Shut up Yoon Jeonghan, you seriously need to dial it down sometimes." Though Seungkwan had only whisper shouted at the other, his eyes were practically screaming at Jeonghan to keep his mouth shut.

"Look who's getting all sensitive these days, I knew something was up!" A slightly shorter boy with neatly cut hair, nudged the the boy who was currently wearing a displeased expression.

"I swear to god, Lee Chan, get your hands off me before-"

A new voice interrupted him.

"Seungcheol hyung, why are we meeting here?"

A short boy with black bangs swept to the side, peeked his head around the corner of the door, clearly looking a little confused.

"Oh-? Chan, Jeonghan and Seungkwan are here too." As he made his way towards the others, he noticed a certain short-haired girl, in the middle of having a very in depth debate about.. mint chocolate ice cream?

"Wait a second, Lee Minhui?"

She turned to face him, eyes lighting up and breaking into a friendly grin.

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