Another Life

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I walked through darkness. That is if you could even consider it walking being that I couldn't feel ground underneath me at all. It somewhat felt as if I was floating along an unknown path; unable to see my own hand in front of my face if I were to put it there, and yet I could still see. How? I have absolutely no idea.

This was so confusing and I didn't know what to do. Where was I? How'd I get here? What's going on?

Suddenly a bright, white light flashed in front of me causing my arm to raise and my hands to attempt to block out the blind in light. A voice came from the light that sounded extremely familiar. My arms dropped and the light didn't seem as harmful. Now it was a dull glow.

I moved towards it, curiosity boiling through my body for the fact I knew who the voice belonged to. But how? As I grew closer and closer, the light faded until it was a sun, and I was standing in a field watching what seemed to be a younger version of myself and Derek chasing each other.

"Come back." He said.


"When I catch you I-"

"You'll what? Tickle me maybe?"

The young me was hidden behind a tree at the moment and listening for movement that told her where Derek was. Her eyes widened an she sprinted for it but it was too late, Derek had already grabbed hold of her waist and pulled her backwards to him.

Laugh escaped from her mouth and her body moved in a way as to try and get away from him. A low rumble came from Derek's chest as his grip got tighter around Jaileigh.

"Let me go!" Jaileigh exclaimed.

"Not a chance." Derek replied.


"No but's. You cannot escape me."

"That's what you think."

"What are you-"

Suddenly Jaileigh's teeth sunk into his arm and Derek let out a painful scream. His grip loosened and Jaileigh got loose running across a clearing to get away.

"Hey, come back here!"


I watched as Derek laughed and then took off across the clearing after her.

There was a bright flash and then the clearing was gone and a new memory was placed in front of my eyes.

"Come on Jaileigh , breath."

I watched from my third person view as what seemed to be me at the age of 19 years old laying in a hospital bed with doctors and nurses surrounding me and Derek at my left side while I gave birth.

The young me gave out a strangled cry as she took a breath and held it while she pushed. With in no time at all a baby was placed in her arms and she named the little girl Autumn.

I smile was upon her face and Derek's as they gaze down at their little baby girl who was now next in line for Luna.

Derek left the room to go make the announcement to the kingdom that a baby girl had been born to the royal family.

Another flash replaced the scene in front of me and I was placed in a new memory; except this one was like no other.

I stood in the darkness of the trees as I gazed across the clearing that I had seen in one of my memories. Derek and Jaileigh were chasing Autumn, Who is now five years old, around the clearing.

"Let's go to the beach!" Autumn suggested.

Jaileigh and Derek looked at each other and smile and then grabbed Autumn's hands and then walked through the forest until they came to a lake with a shore.

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