Can't Admit

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I'm afraid of him not trusting me anymore
Of his love and understanding walking out the door
I fear that I'll say or do something wrong
 And he'll lose faith in me, and our love will be gone

I worry that my flaws will be too much to bear
That he'll tire of my struggles, my pain, my despair
That he'll stop seeing the good in me
And focus only on what I can't be

But perhaps I'm underestimating his love
Maybe he sees in me something to be proud of
Maybe he's willing to weather any storm
And help me through life, no matter the form

Love isn't just about perfection and ease
It's about sticking together through the tough times and disease
It's about being there when the road gets rough
And showing up when the going gets tough

So I'll try not to let my fears get the best of me
And have faith that our love will always be
For even if we stumble and fall along the way
We'll find a way to heal, and love will stay.

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