His Ukulele

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He picked up a ukulele, and gave it a try,
For me, he said, with a twinkle in his eye.
He strummed the strings, with a gentle touch,
And taught himself, with such love and much.

He learned the chords, one by one,
And played for hours, in the morning sun.
He practiced hard, with all his heart,
And played the songs, that set us apart.

And in his music, I hear his love,
A gift that's pure, sent from above.
For he learned the ukulele, just for me,
A symbol of his love, for all to see.

He plays the melodies, with such grace,
And in his music, I see his face.
A face of love, and a heart so true,
A love that's pure, forever anew.

So I thank him, for his music sweet,
A gift that makes my heart skip a beat.
And I promise, to always cherish his song,
For in his music, our love will forever belong.


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