My Yellow

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In a realm where colors dance and glow,
Two hearts entwined, a tale to show.
My lover's hue, a vibrant yellow, While mine, a serene shade of blue, mellow.

Yellow, like the sun's golden ray, Radiates warmth and lights the way.
A beacon of joy, full of life's delight,
It paints her spirit, a captivating sight.

Blue, the color of an endless sky, Reflects calmness, where tranquility lies.
A soothing embrace, a gentle breeze,
It whispers secrets, putting my heart at ease.

In yellow's embrace, he finds pure glee,
His laughter like sunlight, setting me free.
With each radiant smile, a burst of cheer,
His yellow heart, a treasure held dear.

In blue's depth, I find solace and peace,
A serene melody that offers release.
Its tranquil presence, a comforting hue,
Embracing my soul, as only blue can do.

Two colors collide, entwined by fate,
A union of love, both gentle and great.
Yellow and blue, a harmonious blend,
Together, our hearts, a journey we'll transcend.

Like sun-kissed meadows in morning's light,
Or the ocean's depth on a starlit night,
Our colors entangle, a masterpiece bold,
A love story, forever to be told.

So let us revel in this kaleidoscope,
Where yellow and blue intertwine with hope.
For in our hearts, these colors unite,
Guiding us forward, through love's radiant light.


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