Chapter 1

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Saffron kicked the suitcase, causing it to fall directly into the river. There went the corpseof a man who had betrayed her family by selling information about them on the blackmarket. Well, that guy wouldn't cause them any more trouble."It would have been better to incinerate the body, but I didn't want to smell smoky," shethought as she turned and walked away. Instead of cremating, which took a long time, shehad opted for poisoning and mutilation."Do you need a ride?" a man asked from a car as the back door was being opened for her."What are you doing here?" Saffron asked. There was no need to be alert. She recognizedthat man: he was under the command of one of her other sisters."Ms. Sage was nearby and she entrusted us to give you a ride on this special day."Saffron remained expressionless as she pondered the offer provided. She could simplyuse her quirk and mobilize with her butterfly wings, but she couldn't afford to waste energy,not that early. She decided to accept the offer."Sure."She got into the back seat and the car started, beginning to go to the UA building, whereshe would have to study and live from that day on, because of course they were going toaccept her.It wasn't that she wanted to study at that school out of some desire to want to become ahero. Definitely not. There were more effective ways to contribute to society without havingto wear a disgraceful outfit. Instead, she had decided to expand the scope and power ofher family's business on her own accord, and for that, she needed to do extensiverecruiting work. The UA was the perfect place, not only because there were suitablecandidates there, but it was also the perfect excuse to cover up her "misdeeds", becausewho the hell would suspect a UA student? The only luggage she carried was a small backpack on her back, which was adapted toher body -for the matter of her wings-, where she only carried a change of clothes, atoothbrush and a deodorant, enough not to not raise any suspicions."This is as close as I can get, I apologize," the man said, parking seven blocks from theUA."Okay," she said ready to get out of the vehicle.The man continued speaking: "Wait. Ms. Sage says she loves you, have a nice day, andenjoy your good luck gift.""Ah." Of course. Saffron sighed wearily, opened the window for direct sunlight, activatedher quirk and flew out of the vehicle at the highest possible speed. Seconds later, the carexploded.Saffron landed on the roof of a building and saw the mess. Her time of reaction wasgetting faster and faster, as she was used to those sudden "displays of affection" from hersister. Making his driver blow out along with the car, seriously? What a waste ofemployees."Such a psycho," Saffron murmured.Wasting no more time, Saffron used her wings again to move quickly to the UA anddeactivated her quirk when she was in front of the main gate. After presenting her ID Card,they allowed her to enter the teachers' office, where she was welcomed by a dark-hairedman with long hair."Welcome to the UA, heroine candidate Saffron D. Sato. I'm Professor Aizawa, in chargeof Class 1-A, which is the one you are applying for, right?" the man said."Yes. It's a pleasure to meet you, Aizawa sensei," Saffron replied, coldly cordial.Aizawa stared at her in silence for a few seconds, surely not expecting a girl with herappearance to have such a cold and reserved demeanor."I'm not going to beat around the bush or sugarcoat my words: I don't agree with a transferof students at this point in the year, especially to a class as advanced as Class 1-A is. ButI'm also aware that it would be unfair to deny you an opportunity," Aizawa said.He didn't seem to be upset; he just seemed bored of having to be doing that academicprotocol for a student who would surely not pass the entrance exam. Yes, Saffron couldinterpret that from Aizawa's expression. She was very good at reading people.Well, that teacher was really underestimating her."Regular Entrance Exams consist of a written test and a practical test, and you will doboth. The only difference is that during the practical exam, the current students from Class1-A will be spectators. If you convince me and you convince them with your performance,I'll approve your transfer," Aizawa said."Sure. I have no problem with that," Saffron said quickly.Aizawa narrowed his eyes, as if he hadn't expected such cooperation from her, but endedup nodding.The practical test started right away."You have 60 minutes." Aizawa handed her the exam sheet."I'll only need 15 minutes." She received the sheets and began to solve the written test.She had no problem answering the questions. The experience and knowledge that shehad acquired during that time were helping her to support her answers. It only took her 12minutes to finish.Aizawa wasn't impressed. She knew that a written test was useless and not enough toprove that a student was qualified to be an actual hero. Therefore, the next test was themost important, and there she would prove her worth.She was taken to some kind of outdoor arena -or maybe just a very large and properlyacclimatized gym. On her way there, she saw a booth with screens inside. She could alsosaw some students entering that booth, but since they were wearing uniforms, therewasn't really someone who caught her attention.She would rather not have spectators -she wasn't there to entertain anyone-, but shewould take this situation as one more mission with which she would successfully fulfill.After a few minutes, she could hear Aizawa's voice through a speaker: "When you hearthe alarm, you can start." He had already explained what the practical test would consist ofbefore taking her to that arena, so she simply nodded.The alarm sounded.She was given ten minutes to use her Quirks to immobilize robotic villains in order to scorepoints. Before any of those robotic villains attacked her, she spread her butterfly wings andsoared into the air, taking a quick turn to count all the enemies. Well, there were 200robots in total. There was no way an average candidate could take down all those threats;in fact, she was sure that no one expected any single candidate to bring them all down."What is the best score achieved by a candidate in this test?" she had asked Aizawabefore leaving the first room she was in."77 points," Aizawa had replied. "Are you planning to beat that record? Even 78 points willbe quite difficult.""Not really. I'm not planning to do that," she said.Aim to get more than 77 points? Nope, that would be very conformist.No, she was planning to kill -destroy really- all 200 robots by herself.And so she did.***The metal corpses of the 200 robots were scattered all over the ground, some partiallydestroyed, others completely destroyed. And the exam time had just ended.Saffron landed on the ground, contracted her butterfly wings, wiped the sweat from herforehead with the back of her hand, and stood there, expressionless and still. She couldhear screams of surprise and celebration coming from the booth that she had seen beforeentering the arena.

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