Chapter 4

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Early Morning – Tuesday When Saffron walked out of the dorm building, the sky was still dark. It was 5 a.m. andluckily her other classmates were still sleeping. She had to hurry up before Izuku went outfor his morning exercise or someone went to the kitchen for a glass of water.With great stealth and already wearing the class uniform, Saffron entered the mainbuilding of the UA without anyone seeing her and without meeting anyone. There wereonly a couple of guards on the perimeter, but they were sleepy from guarding the area allnight. There was also no sign that any teacher and principal Nezu were around.Saffron used the emergency stairs to go to the roof so as not to raise any suspicions.Once she was on the roof, she used her butterfly wings to fly down up to the principal'soffice window. She used small metal sticks to pick the lock on the window and enteredsaid office. She immediately used an app on her iPad to emit special waves that wouldprevent the alarms in the office from activating. She was grateful to have such advancedtechnology at her disposal. It was one of the privileges of being an important part of herfamily.Having already made sure that she was in no danger of being found out and with time onher side (the director usually entered his office at 6:30 am), Saffron walked over to thedesk and sat down on the principal's swivel chair, ready to use the computer.She'd had to tie her hair up tightly to make sure no strands of hair got stuck to that chair,and she also was wearing gloves so her fingerprints wouldn't get on the keyboard. Yes,she had thought of every detail.Once the computer was turned on, Saffron entered the UA database and accessed thefolder that contained the information of all the students. She used her iPad to sync thedata from the computer with her device and started downloading all the files on everystudent. That information was important to her recruiting mission. However, that task tooka good amount of time.When the loading bar reached 100%, Saffron shut down the principal's computer, andstood up from the chair."Before I talk to you, let me have a cup of tea in my office," she heard principal Nezu say,who was surely a few steps from the office.She got alerted and flew out the window quickly towards the emergency stairs verystealthily. The sky was already clear, showing that it was almost time for her class to start.It had taken longer than expected.She reached one of the corridors and just as she turned around, she bumped into Rikido,one of her classmates. She quickly tried to walk past him, hoping he wouldn't react in time;however, Rikido caught up with her and started walking beside her."Woah, good morning, but what's with that rush? Are you avoiding me or something?" hesaid."No, not all. I'm just not in a good mood," she excused herself.Rikido smiled sympathetically and joked, "You know I'm not Katsuki, Ochaco, nor Momo. Iwon't make any uncalled-for comments. So, I can walk you to class, if that's okay."Saffron had nothing against Rikido; in fact, he was one of the most reasonable people inher class. She was grateful that she had bumped into him and not Ochaco or any of thepeople she couldn't stand. "Sure, just don't mention any of those names if you don't want to spoil my morning," shesaid.Rikido laughed. Perhaps he was one of the few people who understood her, in the sensethat Rikido was good at sensing and had an idea of Saffron's mental list of people shedisliked. And even knowing that, Rikido didn't judge her.They both walked towards the classroom that wasn't far away. On the way, she realizedthat her hair was still tied, so she let her hair down, causing several students to turn to seeher, quite fascinated by her."Yeah, that suits you better," Rikido said."Thanks, but I don't need you to give me compliments," she said."I didn't expect you to thank me," Rikido joked. "I just wanted to say it. You looked weirdwith your hair tied up.""Are you saying that ponytails don't look good on me?" she said."Your long hair looks best when it's down. If you go to the classroom with your hair tied up,Katsuki will find a new nickname for you and won't stop pestering you," Rikido said."Good point," Saffron said."I got your back. Don't worry," Rikido said.Rikido's comment was heard by the other male students near them, who frownedjealously. "It's not fair" or "How can such a pretty girl be like a guy like him?" they began tomurmur, causing a scene."Hey, beautiful, I'm more handsome than him. Better move to my class. We'd make a goodcouple," one of them dared to say out loud.Saffron rolled her eyes. "So early and they've already started their stupid shit."Rikido laughed, who was already used to being indirectly involved in scenes like that.Luckily, they both made it to the classroom. But Ochaco was standing right in the doorwaywith a frown on her face and her fists clenched; she seemed to have heard all thecompliments that the other boys had said to her. She looked pretty upset."Do you have something to tell me or what?" Saffron faced her, raising an eyebrow."Besides that you're overrated and I don't understand why you get so many stares andcompliments? No, I don't have anything to tell you," flashed through Ochaco's mind.However, she being the hypocrite and coward that she was, just smiled falsely at her andshook her head. But you could tell she was jealous of the attention Saffron was getting."Why does she get so much attention? I don't get it. Everyone quickly falls in love with herbecause of her looks. If this keeps up, Izuku is going to..." flashed through Ochaco's head."Well, if you're not going to say anything to me, could you move? You're blocking our way,"Saffron said."Oh. Sure," Ochaco said, giving her one last fake smile before entering the classroom.Saffron just ignored her. She was in no mood to go through with this stupid situation.She walked to her seat and sat there. Rikido did the same.Inside the room there were already some students. Among them was Sero, who turned tothem and said, "Oh, this is a surprise. Did you guys come together?""It's no surprise. Rikido and Saffron's last name is Sato, they're practically siblings,"Kirishima joked.Rikido laughed too. "Well, you're right. And after seeing those idiots give you compliments,and that that's practically your day-to-day, I'll adopt you as my little sister and defend youagainst them," Rikido added, reaching out to ruffle her hair.Saffron rolled her eyes. "I don't care. Whether I'm your imaginary little sister or not, I'm stillstronger than you."***Class: EnglishProfessor Hizashi Yamada was giving them the English class, as usual. He was quite anentertaining teacher, albeit too enthusiastic for Saffron's liking. English was a very easyclass for her, since she was basically native in the language and didn't have to work veryhard to get good grades. While Izuku and Momo were among the smartest in the class,Saffron excelled in English class.However, it was still very early and Saffron's tolerance level was lowering, and it wasn'tbecause of the teacher, but because of the person who was watching her from behind.Shoto Todoroki.Shoto had been doing this since Saffron's first day of class. The only difference is that thistime Shoto was staring at her quite shamelessly. Saffron still didn't understand the reasonfor those stares. Was he perhaps studying her, looking for some weakness in her, or

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