Chapter 6

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Night – 6:30 p.m.After a very busy and tiring day, Saffron finally returns to the dorms with Rikido's group.Kirishima and Kyoka stayed in the common room to chat with Sero and Kaminari, startingto talk about music, their quirk progress, and trivial matters; Katsuki started arguing withShoto as soon as he saw him drinking a glass of water, a super dumb reason; and Rikidowent to the kitchen to prepare his dinner along with Momo, who started to prepare tea foreveryone.Saffron wanted to be as inconspicuous as possible and walked quickly to her room,thankful that most of the students were concentrated on the first floor.Once inside her room, she dressed in slightly more comfortable clothes -she hated toadmit it, but the clothes Izuku had bought her the other day were comfortable- and thenshe sat on her bed, with her iPad on her lap. She turned on said device and began toreview and study all the files of the students that she had downloaded in the morning. Itwas valuable information.However, she tensed up as soon as she felt there was someone behind the door. It didn'ttake her a second and she was on her feet quickly, opening the door and finding OchacoUraraka there, with a disgusted expression.Saffron was about to close the door in her face, because she knew that Ochaco was goingto start a scene, along with some unwanted drama, but Ochaco didn't let her, grabbing thedoor to prevent Saffron from closing it. "What do you want?" Saffron said, getting right to the point."It took me until this hour to work up my courage, but I'm ready to tell you what I think,"Ochaco said."Good for you," Saffron said sarcastically.Ochaco frowned. "Who do you think you are? Miss Universe? Miss Perfect? You're at UAto be a hero, but instead you're just distracting others with your nonsense of thinkingyou're superior to everyone else and making yourself unreachable," Ochaco said, hervoice trembling a little as a sign that she was having a hard time facing Saffron, showingthat she was intimidating her. "Just because you're pretty, you can't pretend to be hard toget, especially with Izuku, Katsuki, and Shoto...""Ah, I see what you're getting at," Saffron interrupted coldly."What?" Ochaco was clearly confused."You're making this whole scene just because you're jealous of me, jealous becausepeople find me interesting and because I'm powerful enough to earn the respect of Izukuand the other guys, and fight as equals with them, unlike you," Saffron said, enjoying howvulnerable Ochaco looked at the moment."It's not true! I'm not jealous! You're the one that..." tried to refute Ochaco."You're jealous and insecure. But instead of working on your flaws, you're just projectingall your anger onto me, because that's the easiest way out. But you should stop, becauseit's really annoying, you know?" Saffron continued.Ochaco seemed to be on the verge of becoming hysterical and exploding with anger,because all her truths were being told to her face. However, Saffron's cell phone rang justthen. "Well, I don't have any more time to waste on you. See you."Saffron slammed the door in her face and scrambled to grab her cell phone to answer thecall."I'd tell you to get right to the point, but you're calling in a good time. I was dealing withsome hysterical girl," Saffron said."I'd tell you I'm not interested in your life, but I don't wanna lose my job. I'll get right to thepoint," this person said before starting to talk about the specifics of the new mission he hadfor her."I'm listening," Saffron said, sitting up on her bed. She no longer felt Ochaco's presence,so she had no reason to feel worried."A group of Shie Hassaikai, let's call them Yakuza thugs, are down to a few scabbyherds... but they still want to bring it. They agreed to go toe to toe. A gang of them againsttwo of us, or rather... one of us.""What do you mean?" Saffron asked."Look, I'd join you but... I ain't due my parole hearing for another three months now, y'knowwhat I mean? Go and meet my little someone. He'll show you where they are fightinga'right.""Ah. I see. Got it," Saffron answered.***Saffron dressed in comfortable clothes for physical combat and left the bedrooms. Theguys she would have to fight belonged to a gang that wanted revenge on Saffron, sinceher family had almost wiped them off the map. Saffron was always down to fight, so thiswould be one more routine of her day to day.A few minutes ago, she had received a message on her cell phone from the helper of theperson who had given her the mission. This message told her the location of the fight, soshe had all the information she needed and was more than ready to break a few bones.The only rule was that only bats and fists were allowed, an old school gang fight. Thatobviously meant that quirks weren't allowed. Even if she wanted to use them, she hadhonor and more importantly: that group belonged to the Shie Hassaikai, who weredeveloping bullets with quirk suppressors, and had threatened to shoot one at her if shedisobeyed. As much as Saffron could dodge said bullets, she couldn't get out of the scriptbecause that would be not completing the mission successfully.Ah, but that was no problem for her. Because fighting without weapons or quirks was herfavorite fighting style. Because in front of her, she had practically a supply of free bag ofbones that she could break as much as she wanted, and she wasn't going to waste that.Yes, she'll break very bone of those bastards. Saffron licked her lips at the thought as sheled the way to the rendezvous point and was easily surrounded by seventy people withbats.They didn't give her time to think and some of them started running towards her, wavingtheir bats, with the intention of hitting her on the head and smashing her skull. But Saffronwas much faster and jumped back, landing her feet on the nearest wall to give herselfenough momentum towards them, landing a flying kick at one of them, and practicallyjumping over their heads to get to the other side.Another part of the group didn't give her a break and approached again in a threateningattitude. She turned, dodged several punches, and landed a kick to the groin of one ofthem, pushing him towards her comrades, and gave a reverse punch to the guy who wastrying to hit her from behind.Unable to suppress her sadistic side anymore, and already eager to finish that mission,she not only started kicking and punching, but also kicked one of them in the diaphragmuntil he was on the ground, and stepped on his arm with so much force until it broke whileat the same time dodging blows like it was nothing.She landed her feet on the chest of one of those men, gave herself enough momentum toanchor her legs around his neck and exerting enough force, broke his neck.Then, she jumped towards another one of them, to link her arm around his neck, sheraising her lower body horizontally, in such a way that her feet were at the height of thefaces of those men, and kicked them, broking their noses, one after one until they drop tothe ground. And then, she broke the neck of the guy she had used to propel herself.With those actions, she had already finished them off. It was time to massively breakbones more forcefully now that they were all wounded on the ground.She sat on the back of one who was face down on the ground. She took one of his armsand dislocated it, listening in wonder to the "crack" sound as the bone practically broke. Hedid the same with the other arm and legs. And then, she looped her arm around his neckand exerted so much force that she snapped the neck, killing him instantly.Still not satisfied, she went to another guy who was also on the ground and stepped on hisabdomen, making him groan in pain, then put both feet in that area and started jumpinglike a trampoline, leaving him unable to breathe, prolonging the pain. Then, she proceededto break all his bones.She smiled sadistically. Breaking bones didn't make them bleed the way she liked, butthere was no problem because she preferred breaking bones more than making thembleed. At that point, she understood vampires, because they drank blood out of necessityand pleasure; well, Saffron broke bones, in every possible way, because it gave herunimaginable pleasure and satisfaction, more than any drug or substance could ever do.She continued to break bones, this time imagining that the guys on the ground were herclassmates: Ochaco, Momo, and the others she hated. That increased the feeling ofpleasure by 100%.Since she was kind, of course she was, she left three survivors, although she didn't leavethem without any battle wounds: she broke an arm of one of them, a leg of the other, andjust stepped on the crotch of the remaining one so hard it made him pee in the pants.And standing before them, she spoke: "Thank my kindness and be useful to me: go to yourlittle boss and report everything you have witnessed tonight," she said.They had expressions of terror on their faces and they were speechless."If you don't do it in the next 5 seconds, I'll change my mind and kill you in the most painfulway possible," she warned.They gasped, and got up as best they could to get out of there, to report the situation totheir boss.Well, seeing that they were going to report and that the other 67 were lying dead on theground with their bones dislocated, she wiped the sweat from her forehead, fixed her hairand turned around to get the hell out of there. It had been a successful mission.Now she had to return to the dorms before it was 10 p.m., since at that time the securitywas increased.On her way to UA, as she flew to the dorms, she made a call:"Mission completed successfully," she said."I'm not surprised, y'know? Just tell me you left at least one of those bastards alive," aperson said from the other end of the line."Three are alive and went to report to their boss. I felt in a good mood today," she said."That's good. My little one is at the place where the fight took place to clean up the trashon and check that everything is in order. I'll transfer the money to you in a few minutes.""Got it," Saffron said before hanging up.She flew through the window of her room to enter it. She put on his pajamas and sat onher bed.She received a message at that moment: she had been transferred $10,000 for completingthe mission.Very well

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