Chapter 3

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She decided to sit alone in the cafeteria, to observe students who respond to the profile ofrecruits that she was looking for. Suddenly, a boy with indigo hair sat at the same table,right in front of her.Saffron didn't take much notice of it and continued to eat as she surveyed hersurroundings."You're a new student from class A-1," this boy said suddenly. He wasn't asking, he wasn'tguessing. He was saying it as a statement.Saffron fixed her gaze on him. It was the first time she saw him. She had never met him inthe corridors before, or anything like that. "You know who I am, but I don't know who youare. Are you a stalker?" she said."No," he said, expressionless. "I have participated in various activities with class A-1. Ihaven't seen you before."It was a valid argument. "Yes, I'm a new student," she said, that being all the informationshe was willing to reveal to a stranger."You're strong and you have a pretty powerful quirk," he added.Saffron narrowed her eyes. "Okay. There's no way you'd know that without spying on meat my class training."The boy just blinked, without further reaction. He behaved like a plant."It's information you don't know, but I was present in the booth with the other students fromclass 1-a during your practical exam," the boy revealed.Oh well."Do you have any sort of privileges or what?""Aizawa sensei invited me," the boy said. "You did well, but I feel like you've been holdingback. I feel like you were able to take out all those robots in a lot less time and with moreviolence," he said.He wasn't wrong. She was violent, but she had to hold back a bit so as not to scare herclassmates."Because of the nature of my quirk, people see me more as a potential antagonist ratherthan a hero. So I know very well which person is of the same nature as me when I seethem. My name is Hitoshi, by the way. Nice to meet you," the boy said, smiling beforegetting up and walking away.Saffron immediately created a new mental list:e) people to watch out for.That boy, Hitoshi, seemed to be just as observant as she was.***"In this training, I want Bakugou, Midoriya, Todoroki, and Saffron to team up and fightagainst the rest of the class," Aizawa said."No way! They're practically the strongest in the class!" Mina complained. Of course shewould complain."That's why I doing this. You overestimate them and underestimate yourselves. Trust yourquirks," Aizawa planted a flag on a metal base installed on the gym floor, on top of one ofthe portable climbing towers. "Any of you have to try to steal this flag. You have 20minutes. Katsuki's team will defend this area."Honestly, no, Saffron didn't think she was being overrated, but that was her opinion.Saffron hated teaming up, hated it when others got in her way, but even when Katsukisometimes yelled that he was the leader of the group, he actually covered the front of theteam effectively. Shoto took care of the long-range attacks. And Izuku took care of thesurprise attacks; he didn't get in her way at any time. Saffron was in charge of defendingthe area near the flag area.The four of them had a good time together, as if they had done it before, and that madeSaffron feel strange.Her team ended up winning."Overrated, huh? Now who the hell would dare to say that?" Katsuki scoffed under hisbreath when his other teammates were tired and exhausted without having captured theflag."You couldn't have done it on your own," Shoto said."Oh? Why not?!" Katsuki said."Because I would have been your enemy.""I won against you at the festival!" Katsuki claimed."Only because Todoroki-kun didn't use his fire quirk that time," Izuku said."Shut up, nerd!"Their dynamic was pretty fun to watch.***"Would you agree to go on a date with me?" Denki asked, who had approached her assoon as the training ended."No, I'm not interested," she said before taking a sip of water from her bottle."Just one photo together for me to upload to my social networks! Please! So they can seethat I'm in the same class with the prettiest girl in the UA!" Denki asked pouting, actingcute, but that attitude was far from convincing her."I'm not your girlfriend or an object for you to show off," Saffron said, not in the mood tolecture him; she just said what she thought."But...""Hey, idiot, leave her alone," Katsuki said walking up to them and glaring at Denki, thepoor boy raising his hands in surrender and fleeing the scene."Oh, this is weird. I thought I was your enemy," Saffron said with a raised eyebrow."I don't want you to die of boredom because of that idiot. You better die because of myexplosions," Katsuki sneered."You have a dark humor. I like it," Saffron said.Katsuki smirked. "I'm the best you'll find in this place."Was that an attempt at flirting? They both stared into each other's eyes for severalseconds. The tension was palpable."Ah, I finally found you!" Rikido said interrupting the moment. "There's a cafe opening thisweekend. It belongs to my cousin and I want to be his first customer. Please come with metoo," he said."No," Katsuki said."We'll go," Saffron said.Katsuki just grunted.They went back to the bedrooms, changed, and then headed out to the cafe. It wasSaturday, so they had permission to go shopping.They went to Rikido's cousin's cafe. They were the first customers and didn't have to payfor the coffees they ordered."Katsuki told his parents that he wouldn't be going home this Sunday because he'd ratherspend time with his friends than watching them be lovey-dovey," Kyoka revealed."Aww, do you consider us your friends?" Kirishima scoffed."Shut up and die! I won't go home because my parents will be busy. And why the hell areyou spying on me, ears?!" Katsuki said.Saffron checked the time on her cell phone. As much as the conversation they werehaving was entertaining her, she had things to do."Hey," she said to get their attention. "I forgot I had some shopping to do, so I'll go to thesupermarket before they close," she excused herself with the first idea that came to mind.Actually, she didn't need to make any shopping. Izuku had been in charge of doing it forher the previous weekend. Remembering that made her feel confused and weird again."Ah? You're really daring to stand us up," Katsuki sneered."The idea of standing you up would imply that I hadn't shown up in the first place," sheexplained with a raised eyebrow. "I see you're not that smart after all.""Shut up!" Katsuki complained."She's got better things to do, that's what's happening," Kirishima said laughing, as if therewas something funny about that."Now guys, calm down a bit," Rikido said rolling his eyes. "Thanks for coming, Saffron.""Do you want me to go with you?" Kyoka offered."No, thanks," Saffron said."At least don't come back to the dorms too late. After 9 p.m. the gangs and the mafia goout to do their business and you could get caught in their crossfire," Katsuki said with astraight face.Saffron stared at him, fascinated and surprised to see this new side of Katsuki. They justwere staring each other, until..."Aww, Kacchan cares about her," Kirishima scoffed."No, disgusting!!" Katsuki denied immediately turning to see the redhead. "I only said thatto scare her!! I don't know why I even have to explain it." Katsuki said blushing angrilybefore drinking his coffee very aggressively.Saffron smiled and decided not to say anything to embarrass him even more, at least thistime. "Yeah, you guys take care too."***After leaving the café, Saffron went to a warehouse, this time to steal a large number ofspecial weapons that were sold on the black market. On her way, she had to use hermartial arts to take down all the guys there. And to effectively get rid of them, she basicallyactivated her "bug bite", traumatized them with how terrifying she looked, and poisonedthem all.Saffron got out of there, took the weapons to one of her family's headquarters, and thentook an alternate road back to the UA. However, she suddenly stopped, unfurled herbutterfly wings, and swung into an attack stance."Why are you following me?" she asked."Oh, you have a good perception. You found me out," a guy, who had camouflagedhimself in a bush, said. He had chameleon eyes and skin. Disgusting."Yeah, you're lucky I'm in a good mood. I'll give you five seconds to tell me why you'refollowing me and if your answer doesn't entertain me, I'll kill you in the worst possible way,"she said.The man tried to act brave, but he was practically breaking out in a cold sweat. "It wouldn'tdo to kill me! I have a direct connection to Chisaki, do you know him?" the man saidsuddenly.Chisaki. Kai Chisaki. Yes, she had heard that name before. He was the Yakuza leader ofthe Shie Hassaikai."Let's better make a deal. I'll give you some information on him and you share some of themoney you stole from the jewelry store the other day," the man proposed.Saffron could get rid of him in a thousand different ways before this villain even notice. Butit wouldn't hurt to get a little information on Chisaki."Okay. Deal," she said, practically rolling her eyes.It was stupid thing to do, but whatever.

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