Chapter 1- "One of these days I'm gonna beat your ass."

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There she was.

She was bundled up in a black pea coat and a gray scarf that was the same color as her eyes. I couldn't help but smile at her. I stood up off my swing, which had been next to my house since Mikey and I were kids. It creaked and moaned and often threatened to collapse, but I took my chances.

"Hey, Clouds!" I yelled to her. God knows how much she hated the nickname. I had been calling Stormy "Clouds" ever since we were small. We're the same age, me and Stormy. I'm just a week older. We've known each other forever. Our parents were friends before we were born so I guess you could say it runs in the family. Stormy is my best friend, and secretly my... crush, I guess you could say. But she could never know that. She's too special to me. I wouldn't want to jeopardize such a great friendship.

"Gee, one of these days, I'm gonna beat your ass, and when I do, I'm gonna throw in an extra punch for every time you've ever called me that stupid name." She yelled from her doorstep and then smiled her crooked little smile that showed her dimples.

"You're all talk and no game, Stormy! Hey, there's gonna be pizza, movies, and cocoa tonight."

"So the works?"

"Pretty much. Are you coming?" It was a pretty dumb questions. After all, movies and takeout had been our Friday night ritual since we were six.

"And waste a perfectly good Friday night? Right." She giggled. "I'll be over in five. I've gotta grab PJs and... 'Halloween'?"

"I was thinking more 'IT'. Oh, and don't forget, Mom's taking us Christmas shopping tomorrow. Bring some decent clothes this time." I liked to tease her about her forgetfulness. It wasn't an uncommon thing for her to forget to bring day clothes when she needed them the most.

"Haha, funny. I won't forget. I'll be right over, okay?" She flashed me a smile and ran inside. I smiled after her and walked into my own house.


I ran into my room, throwing my books in a big pile on my desk. I had just came back from the library; I had been studying with my friend Aleea. I have terrible trouble with Chemistry and she's great at it. She told me to come home and read some book she had me to borrow, but I didn't have time. Gerard and Mikey were waiting for me. I stuffed an old bag to the brim with clothes, but left my straightener; Gerard had one that was more expensive and honestly worked better than mine, when he wasn't too lazy to use it. His hair was usually a naturally wavy, artifically black mess sticking out all over his head. I used to tease him for dying his hair by telling him he was copying me (I have natural black hair.) I grabbed my makeup bag and movie and dashed out my door. When I got downstairs my dad was sitting in his recliner watching a football game.

"I'm gone next door, Dad. Donna's taking us shopping in the morning so I might be a little late tomorrow getting back."

"Alright, Princess. I'll call you tomorrow before I leave. I have to go to your uncle's to help him move." He said. I was a spitting image of my dad, everyone said so. We had the same pale skin, black hair, and boring grey eyes, but all these features suited my dad. Me, not so much.

"Okay, Daddy. I'll talk to you later. Love you!" I said sort of quickly and rushed out the door. I heard his muffled voice through the door telling me goodbye.

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