Chapter 10- "Gee look! It's snowing!"

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When we called Momma, it was nearing 7:00. She told us that she would be at the mall in about five minutes and to go wait near the doors. As we arrived, I noticed Stormy's face in the same confusion as earlier in the car.

"Whatcha thinking about, Stormy?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing." Her voice was high-pitched and melodic.

"Liar." I teased. She stuck her tongue out at me and looked out the glass doors.

"Gee, look! It's snowing!" I followed her overly-excited gaze. There were tiny flurries floating down from the sky. "Maybe tomorrow they'll be enough to make snowmen and have snowball fights and-"

"Stormy, it's not even sticking yet." I smiled at her.

"Party pooper." She crossed her arms and shivered a bit as a mother and her child walked through the door beside us.

"You want my coat, Stormy?" I hadn't taken the fact that Stormy is always freezing into consideration when I bought her such a thin jacket.

"No, I'll be okay, I guess." She lied. I sighed at her and took off my coat. I handed it out to her. She looked at me to protest and then changed her mind. She put the coat on and giggled at how big it was on her. It nearly touched her knees and the sleeves were at least six inches too long. "It's a little big, Gee."

"What? No. It fits perfectly, Clouds. You obviously don't know fitting clothes when you see them." I teased. She rolled her eyes.

"Momma's here, Gee." She picked up her bags and opened the door. I grabbed all of our purchases and followed. The night air was freezing cold. I rubbed my arms in hopes to warm them. Mom popped the trunk and I put all the bags in and then went around to claim my seat behind her. She looked at us in the rear-view mirror as she pulled out.

"Everything go well?" Mom asked with a smile.

"Well, partly." I said. Stormy looked at me.

"What happened?" Mom looked at both Stormy and I to try and get some kind of hint of what went down from our faces.

"We were going to Subway to eat and this girl that doesn't like me from school works there and she poured a bunch of mayonnaise on me. I had to go and hide out in the bathroom until Gerard could get me some new clothes and shampoo and stuff." Stormy explained.

"That's crazy!" Mikey exclaimed.

"You have no idea." Stormy said and then looked out her window. The snow was coming down hard now and was sticking to the cars. Maybe Stormy was right; maybe we can make snowmen tomorrow. It was December 23. We never have a white Christmas anymore.


Please let it keep snowing. We haven't had snow on Christmas since the last year Annie and Mom were alive. How desperately I wanted to build snowmen with my precious little sister once again. Her little giggles were absolutely priceless and I missed hearing them. And my mother, just wow. My mom, Hilary, was absolutely beautiful. Annie was the one that took after mom. The only thing I got from mom was that I'm short and small, unlike dad who is tall and stocky. Mom had flowing blonde waves and electric blue eyes. She was maybe an inch shorter than me. She had naturally tan skin. Her smile... that's what I miss most about my mom. When she smiled it lit up a room. It was warm and comforting. I closed my eyes and pictured my mom the last time that I saw her.

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