Chapter 4- "What's for breakfast?"

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I was scared awake by the sound of Stormy screaming and thumping onto the ground. She was the only 17-year-old I knew that still fell out of bed. I kicked off my blankets and sleepily stumbled around the bed to her. I looked down at her and rolled my eyes before I lifted her off the floor and sat her on the bed.

"You good, Clouds? Nothing broken, everything intact?" She looked up at me and blushed and I knew I must've messed up last night. Of course she didn't want me holding her in her sleep. She looked at us like brother and sister. Brothers don't do that sort of thing.

"I-I'm fine." She mumbled, avoiding my eyes.


I'm so stupid sometimes. I can't believe I flung myself onto him like that last night. I dreamt about him and tried to hang onto him with all my might. I knew he didn't mean anything of it all. He was just comforting me like a brother would. I know all of this, yet I can't help but thinking about what he said, and ultimately how he said it "No one gets away with hurting my Clouds." His Clouds. Despite how much I hated the nickname, the way he said it gave me goose bumps.

I pushed the thoughts away as I pushed past him and went to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready to leave.


Shit, fuck, dammit, Gerard. She's mad at me. How do you fix something like this? I don't want her to be mad, especially not at me.

I heard her coming out of the bathroom, and I hurried to meet her in hallway.

"Stormy, listen, about last night-"

"Good morning!" Mikey interrupted, popping out of his room.

"Good morning, Mikers." She said with one of those smiles I loved. He gave a disapproving look at the nickname. She turned to me and looked right into my eyes. Hers were wide and wonderfully grey. "Gee, let's just forget about last night. It never happened, okay?" I simply nodded. She excused herself to go help Mom in the kitchen, where the smell of breakfast was beginning to fill the house.

"What happened last night that's such a big deal?" He gave me a look and I knew he was insinuating something sexual.

"Nothing like that, Mike. Just forget about it. Let's go eat." I told him. He looked at me one last time, checking for truth in my face, and walked to the kitchen with me.

Mom was frying eggs when we walked in. Stormy was setting the table. Dad was at "work"; he only really works Monday through Friday. No one really knows where he goes Saturday and Sunday, but we're all so glad he's gone that we don't question it. Mom had fresh bruises on her wrists from Dad's attack while we were sleeping last night. She was wearing chunky bracelets to try and hide them, but it wasn't working. She hates Dad just as much as the rest of us. She's just too afraid of him to try and ask for a divorce. I wish he was dead. That monster cannot be my father. I refuse to accept it. I wanted no part of him. I went over to Mom and kissed her cheek and wrists. She looked at me and blushed, realizing I had seen her bruises.

"Good morning, Mom."

"Good morning, Gerard. Did you sleep well?" She asked, mixing fruits together in a giant bowl.

"Much better than usually; no nightmares." I hoped Stormy hadn't heard that.

"That's wonderful, maybe they'll go away." She said hopefully. I often woke up screaming bloody murder and trying my best to rip my pillows apart.

"Maybe. What's for breakfast?" I changed the subject.

"Eggs, bacon, homemade biscuits, and some fresh fruit salad. Sound okay?" She asked. We're Italian on her side, so she makes the best food.

"Sounds great and smells even better." I hugged her and went to sit beside Mikey. Stormy and Mom's chairs were on the other side of the table.

We were completely quiet as we ate. Mom gave us all suspicious looks before she finally broke the silence.

"So where are we going today?" She asked.

"I need to go to Hot Topic so that I can get the faux tapers and Paramore shirt Aleea wants." Stormy said. Aleea was Stormy's friend at school. We only have math class and lunch together this year so she had to find someone to hang out with.

"Yeah, I need to get some black nail polish and finger-less gloves, too." I added.

"Gerard, we're going Christmas shopping for other people." Mom smiled at me as she said this.

"Well you guys are the only ones I love enough to get presents for." I smiled back at her.

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