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(Cringe warning)

I was on my laptop when there was a knock at the door.

Knock Knock

I opened the door. Guess who it was (⁠☞⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠☞ Neymar.

It was weird he was spending more time with ever since Monday evening (the charity event)

"Hey! What's up?" "I need a favour" I stepped back and looked at him "I can't explain now but I need you to come with me" I sighed "I'm scared, is it going to be time consuming?" He shrugged "get you phone, charger, laptop or whatever no clothes tho"

I was confused but did as I was told.

I got some things in a bag and followed him into the car

As he was driving he put his hand on my thigh and explained to me that he had a school reunion and family event in the coming 2 days and he needed a girlfriend because people will laugh at him.

"Okay do you not realise who you are? You are a famous Brazilian football player that has millions mabye billions of fangirls you could have chosen any girl and she would have said yes. And not are only famous you're abnormally attractive. So why me why not some random girl?" He smirked at me"well y/n first of all your special and my family knows you. Second of all I don't want some random girl 💀 she'd probably use me or accuse me of a crime that I didn't do and third of all I want you because you really pretty. You're a model for a reason"

I blushed abit "but what about my clothes I can't go out In my pj's" "i have clothes for you"

During this whole conversation he kept his hand on my thigh.

When we finally entered the house I sat on the floor. "When's the thing?" "At 4 pm" I layed down. He went upstairs while I rested.

"Y/n i got you a dress" I sat up "let me see" I walked over to him and he showed me the dress "what do you think?" "It's beautiful" I went to put on the dress and came back down.

"You look.." he didn't finish his sense "i look what?" "Hot" he said quietly. I smiled at him. "Let's go beleza "


I was nervous meeting his old classmates but all went well until we came across Bianca. I remember Ney always complaining about her and how she used to cling to him.

I hope this wasn't going to be a problem. "Neymar?" She spotted him "OMGGG" she ran to him and hugged him "I haven't seen you in so long" "how are you?" He fake smile and replied"I'm good "
She kept on rambling on completely ignoring me. Ney looked un interested.

All this time he kept his arm around my waist. "Is this you girlfriend?" I looked at him before gently nodding "yes she is"
She gave me a look "oh I think I know you from*Instagram name* right?"

I nodded

"Well funny that you're dating him. You don't seem like his type" she laughed. "Anyway I think I'll see you tomorrow" she winked at him.

"What do you mean by that?" She turned around "oh Rafa invited me to the event since I've known her for so long"

"Senhor tenha piedade " he whispered
(Lord have mercy)

"Hopefully you'll come alone "😉 she continued "don't count on it" I said smiling bitterly at her.

After that we left

*⁠・⁠゜゚in the car

"Ay! Ney Ella es una mamaguevo. Ella quiere chuparte la polla!"

"Ay! Ney She's a cock sucker. She wants to suck your dick!"

He laughed at my comment before saying "I know she's been trying to for years " he said stil chuckling a bit "it not funny I'm serious!" I crossed my arms "aww are you jealous??" "So what If I am " I mumbled he laughed again and kissed my cheek.

*⁠・⁠゜゚next evening

I was talking to Rafaela while having a drink. "Wow y/n i really didn't expect you to like him, I always thought you liked white boys" my jaw dropped "What? Girl have you seen you brother he's soo fine" i said blushing.

A hand grabbed my shoulder.
"Heyy y/n " Bianca said as he pulled me back "uhm-" "let's dance!" She said before litterally pushing me into the pool "oops" she shrugged unapologetically all eye were on me as reached the surface of the water.

Neymar came up to me laughing his ass off. Bianca was standing right behind him. I reached my hand out of the pool and grabbed her ankle and dragged her in. I held her head underwater for 20 seconds. I let her go and before she was able to get out I whispered to her "back off, he's mine" she hurriedly got out and left.

Ney finally helped me out. "You know you could have just said you wanted to swim I would looove seeing you In a bikini " he winked "ew" i punched him lightly.


I was resting on the couch while Neymar was making popcorn. "Are you tired?" He asked walking towards me with a bowl of popcorn. "Yeah.. Bianca is a lot.. but I don't think she'll be back for a while.." he sat down next to me "what makes you say that?" He smirked slightly "I just gave her some instructions " he laughed "you look so cute in a onesie " I giggled "lets wacht a movie" i turned on the TV and we watched tv until 3 am

tease me  y/n x Neymar Where stories live. Discover now