Serious conversation

463 22 1

Today is a cloudy day. The same overcast as the mood of the girls sitting at the table in their kitchen. Jennie and Rose are sitting opposite each other. Both are very serious. The tension in the room is growing exponentially. Finally, Park looked up from the mug at her girlfriend. To calm her down a little, she took the elder by the hand, stroking her thumb. Jennie also looked up at the younger one. Rose smiled faintly.

-Honey, don't worry... Everything will be fine.

Jennie smiles back at her girlfriend.

-And you? As if the very calmness?

Jisoo and Lisa came into the kitchen. Jisoo immediately noticed the mood of the girls sitting at the table. She immediately understood what it was about. She sits down at the table and says:

-Girls. Everything will be fine. Whatever happens, Lisa and I will be on your side.

-Yes.- Lisa confirms, approaching her friends, alternately hugging them.- We are always on your side.

-Thank you girls.- Rose and Jennie answered in unison.

-Jen... - Rose turned to her girlfriend.- We have to go...

-Good luck...

After a while. Near the office of the director of YG.

-Rose, I don't want to go in there...

-Jennie... we need...

-What if after that I won't be able to see you anymore?


Rose comes close to Jennie, takes her hands in his, gently kisses her on the cheek and looking into her eyes says softly:

-No one can take you away from me... Everything will be fine... let's go.

Rose moves away from her girlfriend, but does not let go of her hands. More precisely, one hand. With her other hand, she knocks on the door and opens it a little.

-Can we come in?

-Rose? Of course... did something happen?


Rose opens the door harder and she and Jennie come in.

-Oh, Jennie, you're here too.

It is clear that the director was very surprised. The girls sat down and did not know how to start a conversation.

-I'll ask you again. Something happened?

-Director... We want to say something... Rose and I...

Rose sees that it is difficult for the elder to say this and finishes for her:

-We're dating...

The director rolled his eyes.

-What? But... girls ... Why exactly with each other... You're already allowed to date guys... You can...

-Yes, but... we love each other...

-We support each other in difficult times...

-We help each other and...

-We understand each other perfectly.

The girls exchanged glances. Rose tightened her grip on Jennie's hand under the table. The director looked at them with eyes full of shock.

-But Jennie... As I remember you were dating Kai...

-It was against my will... I was just told that I would be dating him... It was all done for the sake of PR.

The director thought about it. Then he looked up and asked:

-Do Jisoo and Lisa know?

-Yes, they recently found out...

-And how did they react?


The director thought again. Jennie is getting more nervous. She tightens her grip on them with her left hand.

-Eh... okay... I allow you to meet... only so that it does not affect the productivity of your work. And not to be suspected by fans...

The girls happily exchanged glances with each other.

-Thank you, Director.- The girls said in unison again.

-But... I'll have to warn your managers...


Rose noticed in Jennie's voice that she didn't like this news.

-Well, if that's all, then you can go. Today is your last day off. You're flying to a concert tomorrow.

-Goodbye. Thanks again.

The girls left the office. Jennie happily threw herself into Rose's arms.

-We did it. Rose.

-Yes, honey, we could.

The blonde lifted Jennie and circled a little. Then she stopped and kissed her on the cheek, and pulled the elder to the exit.

In the apartment.

Jisoo is probably already turning a thousandth circle around the living room.

-Chu, please sit down. I'm worried about them too. But I'm sitting here!

-They've been taking too long...

Then they hear the front door open. They ran like a bullet towards the sound.

-How did it go?!- The girls asked at the same time.

Jennie and Rose looked at each other, then smiled and also gave out at the same time:

-We did it! She reacted positively!

Jisoo and Lisa rushed to hug their friends.

-It's amazing!- Jisoo says.- Let's go celebrate it! We have a cake in the frid...

Lisa and Rose exchanged glances:

-I'll get it!

A moment later, they flew into the kitchen arguing. The elders went laughing after them.

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