[ N I N E ]

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When I open my eyes, I find myself in a very strange yet familiar place. My head hurts and something stings on my neck, I feel like I have a burnt mark on my neck or something.

I get up from my lying position to a sitting one, observing the place around me, my eyes still blurry.

Wait, don't tell me I slept with a stranger. There's no way that's possible. Minho was there to protect me.

I look at my right, totally panicking after seeing a man lying next to me, is he looking at me?!

I rub my eyes to get rid of the blurriness, totally panicking after seeing the person beside me. I even scream loudly without even noticing.

What was Minho doing here?! No. Why am I in his room?! Am I even in his room?! Don't tell me we...

My thoughts are making turns anywhere except the situation right now. I have my fingers on my lips with eyes wide open as I am only able to imagine the worst scenarios.

"Stop thinking about disgusting stuff.", Minho says, while looking at me, still in his lying position. He was awake this whole time.

I furrow my eyebrows at him and make a disgusted face, while hitting him with a pillow.

"You little shit. What did you do to me?! Why am I in your room?! And who the hell changed my clothes?! Why am I sleeping in your bed?!", I yell at him, continuously hitting him with the pillow in my hand, I can feel the hot air, around myself, and I can also feel my face being red.

Why isn't he flustered at all?! Like didn't we sleep together?! I can't imagine what he could've done to me.

"Can you stop hitting me with the frickin' pillow first?", he says with an annoyed and angry expression, making my eyes fill up with tears. I keep my eyebrows furrowed at him with an angry expression. I know my eyes are visibly teary.

"You don't have to know what happened.", he says while sitting up, eyebrows furrowed.

"Why?! Did you do something that bad to me?!", my lips quiver visibly, making me embarrassed.

"I didn't. But someone else did, so shut up before I make you cry more by saying his name."

"Why would I cry because of his name?", I say loud sniffles leaving my nose, not really meaning to. He sighs at me, getting up right after.

I get on my knees to hold his wrist to stop him. He looks back at me.

"Do you... promise it wasn't you?", I say, gulping right after.

"I think it was.", he yanks my hand away, and walks away to the bathroom. Leaving me there, completely speechless. My face gets hotter and hotter as I think about what he just said.

"W-what are you saying...", I mumble the first part and then yell at him."You jerk!"

I make the bed after getting off, and sit down on the bed, waiting for him to finish showering, scratching my thumb nail continuously, making my flesh visible. Anxiety takes over me, as I think about what could've had happened the night before.

"Agh, it hurts. It hurts.", I shouldn't have said that at that time, because Minho had just gotten out of the bathroom, with his wet hair, wearing a dark blue sweatshirt, with gray-ish-brown sweatpants.

He grabs my hand to see what I did to myself. I jerk his hand away, exactly how he did to me.

"What do you want?", I ask while pouting at my injury that I just caused to my thumb myself.

"You should go shower. Wear whatever you want from my closet.", he says and goes to the balcony to dry his wet self from the heat of the sun.

I scoff at him, still sitting on the bed.

"Fine, I will.", I say, sticking my tongue out at him, he can't see me because his back is turned towards me and there's also a glass door between us so there's no way he could hear me either.

I walk inside his walking closet, enjoying the scent of his favourite air freshner. My eyes quickly go to a familiar box on one of the shelves. I know that box because it's the one me, Minho and our other two best friends used to put small notes and tons of small polaroid pitures in it to our future selves. We promised, we would open it when we would turn twenty, at the end of the year the four of us turn twenty.

I don't touch it because of the promise, and I hope Minho also didn't open it.

I grab any sweatshirt because I know they would all be big on me, just how I like. Though, Minho wears over-sized sweatshirts and t-shirts so it isn't exactly how I like but oh well. I also grab a pair of black pants.

I go to his bathroom, lock the door and go to clean myself. The thought of cleaning myself reminds me of last night. I wonder if it was Minho who did something to me. My head still hurts from drinking last night, I'll just drink some hangover soup.


I get out of the bathroom, all done with the shower. I don't see Minho anywhere. I guess he's having breakfast already.

I run out of the bedroom and in the dining hall. The mansion changed a lot since I last came here, guess Minho's mom is still into decorating the house.

I see Minho sitting there. He didn't have any food in front of him, he was just on his phone, with both of his elbows on the table.

He looked up to see me. I went to him to sit on the chair beside him.

"Bring in the food.", Minho orders the maids. I guess he was waiting for me. I smile at him, even though he's not looking at me, but looking at his phone.

The maids put some hangover soup in front of me, reminding me of my drunk self.

I start drinking the soup with the spoon without a second thought, it burns my mouth."Ow. Ow. Ow. Shit.", I say with my tongue sticking out.

"Tch. Idiot.", Minho says and starts to blow on his spoon full of soup.

I hit his leg hard, making the spoon, which is almost in his mouth, collapse and the soup spills all over his lips.

The hot, burning soup makes his lips sting, he isn't really bothered by the stinging, seeing from his facial expression, which didn't change since earlier.

He just puts his hand on his mouth, which I laugh at. I guess I shouldn't have, because his next move was extremely dangerous.

He grabs the back of my chair with his left hand and pushes it, causing it to fall back.

I scream and close my eyes, grabbing the back of his chair without really meaning to, causing his chair to also fall.

He flinches really bad, making me completely surprised as I've never seen him flinch in a long time, he doesn't scream which is also surprising. Is he even humane or what?

We both lie there, our chairs on the floor with their backs, as the room is now filled with my giggles. Minho's expression also changes into a joyful one, it isn't really present on his face right now but I know that I can read his eyes.

"Lee Minho.", Minho stands up quickly, recognizing the voice almost immediately.

I also get up to see who dared to call Minho by his full name, surprised to see who it is.


A/N: Naur cz I was listening to novel by skz while writing the 2nd last paragraph and seungmin's high note just played, creating a whole zoo in my stomach.

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