You're Mine (+16)

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Since you joined the team, you became the new focus of attention. Everyone wanted to know more about you and your abilities. No matter what the event and place, you always ended up surrounded by people wanting to know more.

As usual, the team was invited to a gala event, just to make an appearance and attract the attention of important politicians and military officers. As soon as you arrived at the party, you were surrounded by people. Occasionally, some military on the other side offered you drinks, or brushed against you 'unintentionally'. To Wanda's annoyance.

Even from across the room, she saw a soldier put her hand on your arm repeatedly, leaning dangerously into you. For Wanda, these events were torturous, she hated every minute away from you, and spent minutes trying to control her anger to keep from attacking everyone who made you uncomfortable.

Wanda was the first person you approached when you joined the team, she didn't keep asking about you, she just enjoyed your company, and you enjoyed hers. You didn't have an official relationship, it was just secret moments between you, by her choice. Wanda was afraid of how her brother and the rest of the team would react.

The last straw for Wanda that night was when a woman came very close to you and whispered something in your ear. Wanda didn't even notice Natasha calling her, she walked quickly across the room to you. She stopped in front of you, with a dark smile on her lips. You swallowed dryly and held your breath as you noticed the anger in her eyes.

"I'm not feeling okay, take me home." She said in a serious tone.

" You didn't notice that we're busy." The military woman replied Wanda.

"I'm not talking to you." Wanda said, tilting her head and looking at the woman with disgust. "Take me home." Wanda said, turning to you again.

"Listen here..." The military woman insisted.

Wanda's eyes turned red, but you stepped forward, holding her hands. As she felt your hands, Wanda took a deep breath and looked at you. You said goodbye to everyone there and walked out of the party without much explanation. Wanda didn't let go of your hand for a moment.

"I'll remind you, who you belong to." Wanda said inside her head, using her telepathy.

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The night was surprisingly rough and wild. If it wasn't for the sound blocking system, you were sure that everyone would find out about your relationship, because after all, Wanda was extremely noisy that night.

When you woke up the next morning, you were expecting body aches, but the feeling was as if the Hulk had thrown you off the third floor of a building.

Wanda seemed to be sleeping super peacefully on your side, she was lying face down on the bed, her back bare, covered only from the waist down. You noticed some marks on her skin and smiled as you remembered that you had made them yourself.

You ran your hands over Wanda's back, caressing her, and smiled as you heard her mumbling in her native tongue. You moved closer, entwining your arms around her back, and kissed the back of her neck.

"Wake up Wands, or Natasha will make you do the push-up sequence." You whispered close to Wanda's ear, who just held your arms and moved closer to her body, still with her eyes closed. "My love."

"I prefer it when you call me that." She confessed in a slightly husky voice.

"My love." You said again, now placing a kiss on her back.

Wanda smiled, opened her eyes and turned to you. When she looked at you, you noticed her eyes widened. She brought her hand to her mouth and gave a quiet laugh.

"What is it?" you asked, concerned. You noticed that her gaze was on your neck, and intuitively you brought your hand over it. "What's in here?"

You noticed Wanda's eyes turn red, and an approaching object floating in her red energy. It was a mirror, when you looked at yourself your mouth formed a perfect 0 in disbelief.

" I don't remember ever having this many hickeys. " You said, tilting your face a little and noticing that the marks were bigger. " But I don't mind. " You turned around, looking at Wanda again. "I'll have to have a good excuse for that."

"You have." Wanda looked you in the eye, now locking your hands on top of your head with her powers, she cracked a mischievous smile and sat on top of you. "You're going to say you had the best sex of your life with your girlfriend." Wanda leaned down, getting inches from your lips. "I want everyone to know that you are mine."

One-Shot ⚜ Wanda Maximoff x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now