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"Jisoo is family!"

"Jisoo has a ring on her fucking finger, and a name on a damn sheet of paper; she is not blood. If she were to die tomorrow, she would be nothing but old photographs and even older memories."

"You could say the same thing about Eunha or Y/N!" He was just a fucking hypocrite.

"Eunha is on the board of six charities, she organizes numerous functions that we have, on occasion, used as a cover. On top of that she runs many small businesses in our name. She was doing that even before Y/N came to this family. She keeps us looking clean to the public. Y/N, among everything she has added and given to this family, is also going to have a son. She's starting the next generation of Kims. They have worth. Tell me, other than the fact that her father is a senator, what has your wife brought to the table?"

There was nothing else to say as he walked over and poured himself a drink.

"So what, you're splitting us up from the family to teach her a lesson?" I finally snapped.

"No." He drank, stepping towards the window. "This lesson is for you, son. Out there, they don't understand us, they hate us. Behind their smiles, they're vultures, waiting for us to fall just so they can pick up the scraps. Out there, you cannot be yourself. You must filter how you speak, take all the shit they throw at you humbly, and smile for their cameras. Out there, you will be a political puppet; and I know that will drive you mad because you are a Kim. So until you start thinking and acting as such, Taehyung does not need you. Taehyung does not trust you and neither do I. He can't kill you; for neither your mother nor I would allow it. But when he's ready to see you and your wife again, he will call. Until then, see you later, son."

"Goodbye, father."

Before I reached door, he called out again. "Fix this, Jin. I refuse to choose between sons. Even if one almost cost us everything."

"Who would you choose?"

I already knew the answer, but I wanted to hear him say it.

Smirking at me, he shook his head. "Namjoon. He's never given me so much shit. Luckily, he's more of his mother than my brother. You and Taehyung are too much like me; opposite sides of the same damn coin trying to shoot at each other."

"Jisoo and I will leave in morning after visiting Eunha." There was nothing more to say; I should have never walked into that office to begin with.


Parking outside my old house, I took a deep breath and enjoyed the cold air. It was only the beginning of fall, but it was still cold enough to see my breath in the air. It was like walking through a warzone. There were broken shards of glass and splintered wood everywhere, and walls that were just standing, no longer connected to anything. This was my home. It is my home.

Who would have thought it would be nothing but rubble only a year after my leaving. Taehyung told me to rebuild, but there didn't seem to be a point. It would be a new house without any memories. Even if it was nothing more than a pile of burned ash in the middle of nowhere, it was still my home and I could remember everything. I could still remember the choices I made here...

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