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Holy shit, I was a father.


"Don't worry, you're going to close your eyes and before you even know it, they will both be back demanding your attention." Evelyn laughed, kissing my forehead. It was odd. I wasn't used to anyone other than Taehyung doing that, and even so, it had taken me a while to adjust to him. But I guess seeing me with a baby tucked into my arms made her forget who I was.

"We're going to head out and let you have some space." Minho smiled at me. He looked as if he were holding back a hug or something. The best I could do right now was squeeze his hand.

I was pleased that I still felt like myself, only now I had a greater priority and that was my son. He was the person I now lived, and would die, for and I would do everything in my power to make sure he was safe. Which meant I had to be stronger, maybe even harsher with those around me. I would be anything, do anything, to protect him.

"Bye, Y/N. Oh, I got Eunwoo some cute new clothes for him to come home in." Eunha grinned, leaving the baby blue bag on the chair Minho had previously occupied.

"That reminds me, the press will be tripping over themselves for pictures..." Jisoo started, but I cut her off quickly.

"Jin, make sure any and all press around our house is taken care of immediately. Also, I want a new car, something that isn't too flashy, with tinted windows. A Volvo, maybe?" I'd heard all this shit about them being safe, so I might as well.

"I'll get right on it, boss." He grinned, but I still didn't trust him. He made way too many fucking mistakes, and if he weren't family, I would have already killed him. Jisoo bit her tongue—as she should—before taking a deep breath and playing with the pearls at her neck.

"Joon, stay a moment?" I turned to him. None of them waited or even looked back. Evelyn wheeled Eunha out, giving us the privacy my statement insinuated.

"What do you need?" he asked, rolling up his sleeves.

"The house swept, I want every last one of our security cameras firewalled and impossible to be hacked. Then get a profile of all of our employees. Make sure they know their lives depend on what they don't see or hear, and who they let into my house. We brought a little boy over the border to keep his mother quiet. The police want to use her as an informant. Focus more on her." Saying it all out loud made me relax, just a little bit.

"I'll get working on everything, but Jin told me that Taehyung is having the house swept again as we speak. He has fifteen men walking the property here and roaming the surrounding areas." Of course he was. He and I were too much alike; sometimes it was crazy.

"I'll leave you to get some res—"

"How's Eunha?"

He frowned. "She's doing better, but I don't think she's up to do anything right now."

"I'm not asking as your boss."

"Oh." He nodded slowly. This was one of the hassles when dealing with family. "She has her dark days, but she's been doing better. It's a slow process but she's getting there. It's been a few weeks since she's been off the chemo, and she starts therapy soon."

The Invincibles-KTH FF (BOOK II)Where stories live. Discover now