Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

I followed Sabrina into the gym, calling her name repeatedly. "Brina, Brina!" I chanted. I rolled my eyes as she continued to ignore me and walked toward the ring.

Out of all gyms for my brother to be training at he had to choose the same one that Damian used. Don't get me wrong I was able to be around Damian for our children's sake, but I was starting to feel like I was always at the same place at the same time with him a lot lately. And that was causing feelings that I thought I had buried to resurface and I don't think I can handle myself around him anymore because of those feelings. I exhaled deeply as I made my way to the ring to see Marcel sparring with Domani.

What the hell was Domani doing here? This wasn't his usual boxing gym. I groaned as I thought about the possibility of Damian making Domani train here instead of at his old gym to take him under his wing. Also, Domani probably wanted to be closer to Damian as well since they share the love of boxing.

"I thought you said you weren't coming in," Sabrina said with a smirk on her face.

I scoffed.

"You are my ride," I told her.

Sabrina chuckled.

"You can't avoid him, Thea, stop bottling up your feelings and act on them," Sabrina said to me.

My eyes widen.

"Girl, no," I said, before focusing on Domani and Marcel in the ring. "Is this a permanent thing or temporary?" I asked Sabrina.

"Permanent," Damian answered from behind me.

I looked over my shoulder at him.

"Hello, Dame," I said.

Damian licked his lips.

"Hello, baby girl," Damian said, smirking.

"So, how did you manage to get my brother and son to come train here?" I asked him, ignoring the look on his face.

"Adonis convinced them," Damian said as he continued to smirk, staring my body up and down.

I was suddenly feeling shy. I hated myself for letting Damian have that effect on me. I played with my fingers and shifted my weight to my right foot.

"Of course, he did," I muttered.

Sabrina shook her head.

"I'm gonna leave you two to talk, I think I see someone I know here," Sabrina said, quickly walking away before I could stop her.

"This bitch," I whispered as I kissed my teeth.

"Why are you acting like you don't like being around me, Thea?" Damian asked me as he moved closer to me.

"I'm not acting, Dame," I answered, rubbing my arms nervously, causing my pink ballerina acrylics to scratch against my soft skin. "I just don't want you to think I'm invading your space," I added.

Damian kissed his teeth.

"You're not invading my space, Athena, stop that shit now," Damian said. "If anything I'm making your access to me easier," He said, as he placed a hand on my lower back.

I looked at him with a head tilt.

"Why would I need easy access to you?" I asked him with confusion.

"Don't play dumb, Thea, I told you you were mine from day one, and that hasn't changed since," He answered in a tone that affected me greatly.

His voice. Lord, why would you bless this man with a fucking a a voice like that. He had me ready to swoon. My legs were jelly. I try my best to remain standing straight and not lean into him. But I failed.

Within seconds Damian had his arm wrapped around my waist and my face in his chest. I closed my eyes as I took in his scent. I released a low chuckle in his chest. Yup, this motherfucker still had me stuck on him. And he fucking knew it.

My eyes shot open. I cleared my throat and tried to move away from him but Damian's grip tightens around my waist.

"Nah, stay right here," He said.

"Dame, let me go," I said, trying to get out of his grip. Not really. I was doing the bare minimum to get away from him. He shook his head and just held me against his chest. "Let me go," I continued.

"You're not slick, Thea," He said with a chuckle.

I playfully rolled my eyes.

"You're not either, Dame," I said.

I knew him. He knew me. We knew each other. We were each other's first everything. Our only real relationship. While Damian may have spent eighteen years in prison, he still knew all my tactics, especially my behavior around him.

"You're the one still acting like you're seventeen," He said.

I hadn't really dated after Damian. Yeah I had entertained a few of the industry guys that approached me once I started my professional career in mixed martial arts but nothing ever happened and Damian was still the only guy I ever did anything with, so, he knew I was very much still his. He just wanted to see me act a fool.

"I can't help but be my seventeen-year-old giddy self around you, Dame, you still have that effect on me," I told him.

"Get a room," Marcel said as he got out of the ring.

Domani had a smile on his face as he looked at us from inside the ring.

"Domani," I said with a wave.

Domani nods his head in my direction.

"How long are y'all going to have my baby training today?" I asked Marcel and Damian.

"Your baby has a match coming up so he needs all the training he can get, Thea," Marcel answered.

I pouted.

"Just don't overwork him or else both of y'all going to find my foot stuck up in y'all asses," I said with my arms folded over my chest.

"Whatever, Thea," Marcel said.

"I'm so serious, Marcel," I said.

Damian shook his head as my brother and I started our usual banter.

"Thea, I could lay on this ground and you still wouldn't be able to beat my ass," Marcel said.

I got out of Damian's hold and handed him my purse.

"Lay on the ground," I told Marcel.

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