Secret boyfriend

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  Hi! A little author introduction before we get into the story, just like an appetizer before the main course ;). So, I am Jimenna, I recently started writing here (used to be just a reader) I love novels, like big-time, which is why it's really elevating for me to be writing and sharing my beautiful stories with you guys. Hope you will love the story and characters like I do.
  And also please do note that the characters are their own persons, regardless of the fact that its my penning down that have brought them to life, and as such their beliefs, thoughts are solely theirs and does not reflect mine. No hating please.
      Enough with all that, onto the book now. Not Just A Pretty Thing is the first book in the Hollywood diary series. It's about the life of a model, Rosalia, her life in Hollywood the ups and downs, and also the  subtle yet captivating love story that plays out between her and our Beau, Aidan.

After her boyfriend left her and started dating a famous new movie star without so much as a proper break up, Rosalia, a top model in Hollywood, decided that she will never date again. Casual flings or celibacy, no commitment. Never again.

That is until she meets dazzling, stylish, breathtakingly handsome luxurious club owner, Aidan Starrn, who just happen to have a sense of humour and charm that continually threaten the walls she built around her healing heart.

She has resorted to celibacy, so dating is a huge no but no one ruled out bedroom partners, and Aidan seems to be a very promising specimen except for one tiny issue...

... she is convinced he doesn't play for her team. That he is gay.

Did I say a tiny issue?

  "I am almost ready babe!" Rosalia shouted from her room to her boyfriend, Jace who has been impatiently waiting for more than an hour in the living room, for her to get ready so they could go out and celebrate their one year anniversary.

    Rosalia Herrsbere. A young, beautiful and successful model, although many would argue that her wealthy family was the cause of her success in her career. After all many times the tabloids have accused her of having no skill other than a pretty face and good looks.
    Rosalia begs to differ to such accusations. Her face wasn't pretty but gorgeous and as for her looks... She is 5 foot 9, beautiful long honey blonde hair, luscious curves and a glowing skin with just the right amount of about dream body.  Rosalia has enough self love that the hateful jabs of the tabloids doesn't create a dent in her confidence, neither does it stop her from being unapologetically fun loving, coupled with the love of her too-good-to-be-true boyfriend (surely this is just in context as nothing is too good for her), Jace Ashton.

She started dating Jace a year ago and it's been one hell of a fantastic year. He is a really famous, hot musician who was still rather new to the Hollywood scene when they first met about a year and six months ago backstage one of her brother's concerts in Europe on his last tour. Jace is a charmer, and soon became one of the top stars in the music industry, with such charm he wasted no time warming his way into her heart. Although relationship with him comes with a twist, secret dating. With a honest reason of course, he didn't want the media to spoil what they had and make it end all too soon. As much as she would love to flaunt her trophy boyfriend to all her miserable haters, she agreed and here they are a year later.

"Babe how do I look? Does the outfit fit the hairstyle? I think it doesn't. Is the dress a little too long?" Rosalia comes out of the room bombarding Jace with many questions at once. She walks to the mirror, twirls around and decides she looks great as usual.

"Babe you look gorgeous" Jace says holding her waist from behind as he plants a soft kiss on her cheek.

"I know. I mean I always look gorgeous. Can't spell gorgeous without R" she replied pointing to herself as she returned his kiss by planting one on his lips.

"Alright, let's go. You look great, I have been looking great for hours and the night's not gonna enjoy itself" Jace said with that unique smile of his, somewhere in between boyish and cocky, that could melt any heart. It was the first thing she loved about him after his obviously handsome face that is.
He grabbed the car keys as there will be no driver or entourage this night, and he's driving. It's all been planned to be a really romantic night.

"Babe wait!"

Jace abruptly stopped in his tracks and turned back alarmed


"Should I wear this D&G shades or this old Gucci ones I got three weeks ago?"she asked holding up the two shades. With so much seriousness on her face that one would think she was asking what strategy would be best to win a war or maybe the best formation for a country's team at the world cup finals or perhaps contemplating the best means to solve world peace.

Josh sighed, why was he even alarmed he had known her long enough to know how dramatic she can be especially when it comes to fashion and how she looks.

"Anyone" he dully replied.

"Totally, right?"


"The Valentino is newer so obviously better"

"I didn't.....I mean if you say so"said Jace tiredly.

she put the chosen one on and looked in the mirror,"there perfect".

"And now for the most important item, a charming smile" with that she smiled and went to meet him at the door. They both stepped out to enjoy a romantic anniversary night.

The celebration of one blissful year of dating. To her that is.

.....Just getting started, buckle up people!😉👍



Not Just A Pretty Thing(Hollywood Diary series 1)Where stories live. Discover now