Is it..... Over?

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Four days.
Rosalia has been back in Los Angeles for four days and she couldn't still confront Jace. She hasn't called him, texted him or even met him. Neither has he too but then it's sort of the new thing now.

She lay on her bed staring at her room ceiling, too lazy to get up from bed though it's already past noon. Not like she has anywhere to be today.

*Phone rings*

Rosalia turns her head to her vanity about a stone throw away from her bed, where her phone was.

*Rings again*

"So I didn't imagine it"

*Continues ringing*

As if woken from a trance Rosalia flies off her bed as she grabs her phone from off the vanity.

It's an unsaved number. As she always saves numbers, she had no idea who it was. Seeing as it was probably some wrong number and she left her bed in vain,she felt disappointed. But the phone kept on ringing. She was about to go back to her bed on the fifth ring, then she thought 'what if it is Jace using a different number?!' She picked her phone and accepted the call with such a hard tap it nearly sent the phone falling from her hand.

"Hello?" She answered the phone expectantly, waiting for the speaker on the other end to reply, hoping so much that it would be Jace.

"Hello?" She said again, her heart beating so fast.

"Oh, hi darling! Didn't know you have picked the call" said the speaker laughing.

It was her Father's mother, Grandma Joan. Did she love her grandmother? Yes. Was she a bit disappointed it wasn't Jace? No. She was so disappointed she nearly groaned into the phone.

"What was that dear?"

Oops! Did she groan out loud?

"Grandma Joan! I miss you so much, do you know that? How are you and Grandpa doing? It's been like ages since I last saw you guys"

"Oh we are fine, your grandpa and I, everything is going well" Grandma chuckled "Although we are missing you too. And it's not that long ago since you last saw us, we spent Christmas together"

"I know but can't I miss the greatest grandparents in the whole world anymore?" Rosalia said sounding like a child. Truly though, she missed her grandparents.

"Oh Rosie dear" Grandma chuckled. "By the way I heard from your mum that you are back from Europe. How was it?"

"Wonderful. It was really wonderful." If you don't add the hours she spent thinking about Jace or rather his absence. "I mean you know, Paris is a beautiful city, nice hotels and all. Though it was a work trip I really did enjoy it."

"Oh that's so nice darling, reminds me of my days in Paris when I and your grandfather would go have holidays there after the kids had grown" She sighed remembering. "A beautiful city indeed".

"Yeah, a beautiful city. A city of romance as they say" she said with a small chuckle.

"Ah yes, 'as they say'" Was Grandma's reply. You could hear her smile through the phone.

"Speaking of romance, how are things with you and Jace?"

Oh she had to go there. 

"Fine Grandma. We are fine" she grated out. "I really got to go, got a busy day ahead you know modelling and stuff. Nice catching up with you Grandma, I have really missed you guys you know", she rambled.

"Oh, you got to go already?"

"Yeah, I got some major things to take care of today. Greet Gramps for me! Love you both so much. Call you later."

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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