•𝘽𝙪𝙩.. 𝙒𝙝𝙤'𝙨 𝘿𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙣..? (𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 2)

192 2 4

Edited: No
Warnings: Non
Key Words:
(Y/n) = Your name


Narrator POV:

Sitting on the edge of the couch, right leg jumping as you nervously stare at your phone, that's lieing on the wooden table in front of you, awaiting a call from the hospital about Simons condition, wether he's dead or not.

You were so nervous that you could almost feel sweat coating the top of your head.

You breathed heavely, cold sweat now dripping down your face in a thick layer while you blinked profusely, hands now also shaking violently as they were clutched together in your lap.

Your phone then begins ringing and faster than you could say 'hello', you picked it up, standing up as fast as you picked it up.

"Hello?" Your voice came out quick and unsure, not knowing if it's even the hospital, since she didn't look at the nummer, nor if there was a caller-id, she just picked it up, hoping it was the hospital.

"Hello. Is this Y/n L/n?" You hear a female voice on the other end, "Yes. Yes.." Your breathing almost stops as you wait for the woman on the other end to say something.

The woman seemed to be talking to someone before speaking into the phone again, "Simon's alive, but he's in a coma state. If you hadn't had that Epipen and come into action when you did, he might've not been alive at this moment." The woman on the other end, ends the call after saying so.

You sigh a sigh of relief as you put your phone to your chest, hands still shaking as you sit back down onto the couch, dropping your phone onto your lap and putting your hands up to your head, covering your face as tears well up in your eyes for a reason you don't fully know.


Evrey student is sitting in the gym, listening to Principal Gupta's speech about Simon, "Good morning. As many of you know, Simon Kelleher tragically fell into a coma yesterday after experiencing an allergic reaction. Thankfully one of our own students here, saved him, before he could die." Principal Gupta says, hinting towards you, but you try to hide yourself, not wanting to see everyone looking at you.

"Almost losing a member of our community is an awful way to begin the new year. So my message to you today is simple: let yourselves grieve. There will be grief counselors available all week. And of course , my door is always open."

You drowned out the rest of the speech, feeling uncomfortable with eyes still on you, you could still feel some of them on you and you weren't happy about, instead you felt awkward even though none of them knew you, so none of them could say anything, cause by the end of the day, you'd be forgotten by everyone oncd again, and you were happy with that.

You only came back to the real world again, when someone walked up to you, now standing in front of you..

You didn't want to look up, you already knew who it was that was standing there, it was Janae, Simon's best friend, you could see it by the shoes, you knew she was mad and sad, you could see it by the way she was standing, and you for a fact knew she was possibly gonna put some of the blame on you.

"I get why you're blaming me. A sudden stranger, that no one has ever seen before, just shows up out of nowhere and saves your best friend from dieing of an allergic reaction.. It sounds suspicious, I know.. But trust me, I wasn't the one who tried to kill him, for then to just come and save the day. Beacause I stay quiet for a reason. And that reason being, I don't want any sort of attention from anyone, nor do I want any problems. I have enough social anxiety as it is, by just being around crowds of people, I don't need people increasing it by making me uncomfortable by looking at me at all times of the day. But then again I know everyone will forget about me and my face again right after today anyway. But it's fine, you can put all your anger out on me, scream everything you want I won't do a thing." You say, not even looking up at her.

A Change Of Plans.. (One Of Us Is Lying x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now