•𝙒𝙝𝙮 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙁𝙪𝙘𝙠 𝘼𝙧𝙚 𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝘼𝙨𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙈𝙚 𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙩.?• (𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 3)

225 3 14

Edited: No
Warnings: ⚠︎︎Throwing Up⚠︎︎
Key Words:
(Y/n) = Your name

"-Normal-" = "-Mumbling-"

⚠︎︎ Throwing Up⚠︎︎ If you're not comfortable reading that, please skip to where you see another one of these!

The tile floor feels cold against your legs as you sit down on the bathroom floor, in front of the toilet, your head howering over it while your arms are criss-crossed over your head.

Your migraine was worse than ever before, it felt like your skull was being crushed by an invisible force, your throat felt like it was burning in a fire in a flameable room that couldn't be put out, and not enough with that, your heart was beating against your chest like you'd been running a marathon two to three times.

You had ran to the bathroom as soon as you became conscious, the feeling of throwing up, fully awaking you from the sleepy state you'd been in before.

What you were throwing up was more blood than it was food, to be honest, you weren't in the best state this morning, but you were still gonna go to school, since you'd promised your dad, that you wouldn't miss one single school day, and you weren't about to break that promise.

⚠︎︎Trigger Warning Is Over⚠︎︎ You can start reading from here if you skipped the other part^^


On your way to school, you make a quick stop at a café near by, to get a cold drink, to get the last bit of bad taste out of your mouth.

There were not that many people in the small café, since it was quite early in the morning, so you could just walk up to the counter without having to stand in line, "Hello, what can I get you?" A girl that looked a year or two older than you, asks, looking at you with smile, "Can I get a Young coconut and berry slushie, to go, please?" You ask with a small smile.

The girl nods, taking a clear plastic cup and a black marker, "What's your name?" She looks at you, awaiting your answer, "Y/n." She nids once again while she writes your name on the cup with the marker, before starting to make your drink.

You look around while waiting, your hands in your pockets, "Y/n!" The girl calls out your name, making you turn back around and get your drink, "Thank you. Have a nice day." You say before walking away and out the door, now continueing your walk to school.


You didn't feel any better throughout the school day, and you still had a feeling that you were gonna throw up, so you didn't eat or drink anything during lunch.

You were watching everyone in the lunchroom from afar, so you could see Addy and Coppers group laughing while Copper got up, seeing as his boyfriend sent him a picture with a message, and not long after the group suddenly got serious.

You could see Nate on his phone, texting someone, you had a little idea of who it could be, you could see Bronwyn, talking with a small friend group and you could see Janae sitting all by herself, not having any other friends beside Simon, who's now in a coma.

You sigh, hearing the bell ring, indicating that classes were once again starting, and just to your luck, you had  PE class, where you'd just be running laps around the gym, maybe, if you're lucky, you'd get to stop to do some other exercise or game if the teacher's in a good mood.

The footsteps of students, either running or walking in the hallways and slamming their lockers shut in a hurry, becomes louder and louder for you as you walk through them to get to the gym changing room.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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