•gift that keeps on giving•

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"Your really didn't have to get me anything for me Johnny" I said with a smile

"But I did so open it" he said with a smile

I started to lift the top off the box to see the dress that I really wanted but didn't get

"THANK YOU SO MUCH JOHNNY" I said as I gave him a massive hug

"It's just a dress" he said with a smile

"Yeah but it's that hot thought about it" I said as I smiled

We both kinda looked I to eatchothers eyes

I gave Johnny a kiss but more a of a peck

"Hey yn" Johnny said as his arms traveled from my shoulders to my hands to hold them

"Yes Johnny"

"I know this might be to soon but will you be my girlfriend?" Johnny asked as his then was rubbing circled on the top of my hands

My eyes flashed from one eye to the other

"Oh corse Johnny" I said as u leaped info his arms basically

We sat in the beach for a while talking about stuff as I layed between his legs with my head on his chest

It started to get later and later

"Wanna skip school tomorrow" I asked

"Since when do you skip school, let's just go to school and deal with the bull shit" he said with a laugh as he twisted my hair

"Hey Daniel was telling me about the tournament for karate, what is all that about?" I asked with a smile

When they explained it to me it was a blur and not in depth so I asked again

"Basically Daniel and his SENSIE came in asking for a a challenge but kreese told them off and called them a pussy, but Daniel and his sensi asked for a fight but backed out of it and then told us that we leave them alone so he could train for the tournament" Johnny said

"Ohhh so u can't beat my brothers ass" I said with a smile

Johnny rolled his eyes at me with a smile

"Alright we should start packing up" Johnny said as he started to get up

We started to pull up to my apparents

"I had fun tonight Johnny" I said with a smile and I started to blush

"I did too" he said as his face got closer to mine

My hands lefts the door handle and now where around Johnnys neck

We both kissed fast but still enought to not just be a peck

"Bye Johnny" I said with a laughed as I got out of his car and made my way inside

I turned my head to the calendar to see that the tournament is  tomorrow.

I went over to daniels room
"Hey Daniel are  you excited for the tournament"

"Yeah so excited to get my ass handed to me" Daniel said with a laugh

"I dought you will IVE Seen some real shitty ones training and damn the suck I'm sure I'd beat their ass" I said

"And what about the cobras?" Daniel said with a laugh

"Yeah you might get you ass handed by them, but that's a might so" I said with a laugh

"Get out of here" Daniel said with a laugh

"I need to sleep anyways" I said in a fake mad voice

I made it to my bed room and got unready and went to sleep

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