I will not

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Abhimanyu's pov-

The celebration was about to be over, guests were now leaving one by one, I was talking to Yuvaan when I saw a fuming Pranali coming towards me. I looked at her confused but then she spoke, Oh that's what happened.

" You got to be kidding me Mr Abh- Humkum Sa, what did you say to your mother?" She asked me, but she already knew the answer that's the only reason she can be this angry.

"You already know it." I stated calmly.

" What do you mean? You were not serious right, this has to be a joke." She said composing herself but I can see that wasn't working.

"Do I look like someone who jokes around about something this serious.?" I asked her seriously and that took her anger to another level.

"You know what, just leave it, I don't care what you do or not, I. Am. Leaving." She stated angrily and left. Her family members were calling for her but she didn't stop.

She was walking fast but she's so small that I caught up to her in seconds. I held her arm and turned her over. She jerked her hand off me and looked straight into my eyes. I can see the anger and disappointment in her eyes, but before she can speak I asked-

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Anywhere away from here." She said.

She was really angry, ofcourse she would be, I just dropped a bomb on her.

"Listen to me Sunshine, I know what I said to mom, what she said to your family and everything was serious and nobody can change that now. You have to accept -" she cuts me in between,

"I will not marry you, no matter what happens, I. Will. Not. I don't care if you are the king or not. I will never marry you. And you can't just force me into all this." She said trying to leave again, but then I held her by her arms, and told her,

"Pranali, I don't want to force you, and you've all the rights to say 'No' to this proposal, but I know you won't". I said with a straight face.

Then I saw her family coming towards her, I let her arm go, she was about to leave when her papa stopped her.

Pranali s pov-

We were getting ready to leave, Rythm showed me her room, we were there with her mother, she's also very sweet and beautiful and caring. We talked about the places in Jaipur to visit that are not that famous but are site to be seen.

Her birthday went really awesome. Everyone here was looking so pretty, there was soft music playing somewhere in the background, a big beautiful fountain, greenary around everywhere in the lawn. It looked so appealing.

We were waiting for Akhil uncle and his family to come back, uncle went to somewhere because of his work and Saloni and Aunty were no where to be seen, I guess they were still with Rythm and her mother.

And then I saw Rani Ma Sa talking to mumma and papa about something, I was standing far from them to hear what they were saying but I can see they were talking about me, Rani Ma Sa took my name and said something that made my parents look at me with big smiles on their faces.

"What do you think they are talking about?" Bhai voiced my thought.

"Whatever it is, it's something about you Pranali, I can see that." Bhabhi said. I looked at her and nodded.

Both the babies were asleep, one in bhai's arms and one in bhabhi's, I was also tired and wanted to leave, and I don't know what was stopping them.

Then all three of them came to me, and Rani Ma Sa said, "Pranali beta, I want to ask you something." I looked at her and nodded telling her to go on. I didn't like the way she was looking at me. With so many expectations and admiration and other emotions that I can't really understand. I looked at my parents who were already looking at me, with the same emotions in their eyes. What the hell is happening!!

She then continued,"Beta, I'll come straight to the point, I want you to be my Abhimanyu's wife, my daughter in law." She looked at me with hopeful eyes. At first I thought it was a joke, but nobody except me laughed at it. And I knew she was serious.

No no no.... This can't be happening, what marriage, that too to the King of Jaipur, Nope, nah ,nada not happening. Also who gave her that idea, the King himself is supposed to choose his wife, and I don't think he'll choose me among all the other so many beautiful woman who came to the palace tonight. I thought so many things at the same time.

" I know what you're thinking, but Abhimanyu never says something he is not sure about". Rani Ma Sa said. Oh! so he said this to her.

"Rani Ma Sa, I want to talk to your son." I didn't say anything to her because I was so confused and angry and I don't want to say something inappropriate in front of the former queen, so I went to the 'King' who apparently is trying to write my future with his pen.

She showed me the way where he was standing with someone. I started walking towards him, and then as he sensed my eyes on him and looked in my direction.

At first he looked confused but then as soon as the realisation hit him he stood there with a very calm face and confidence dripping off his body. I hate that look.

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