7. Flora POV:

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" Have you decided yet?" Anya asks while pinning my hair up.

" I will accept Duke Amond's hand at the ball."

I already knew my answer the moment the letter was read to me. I just did it for dramatic effect to brighten Anya's morning. She loves to hear about my day and all the drama.

"You are about to be late for breakfast my lady," Helen says before spraying perfume on my neck.

"Being late is not a good look," I hear my mother's voice saying in my head.

Anya put in the last pin and I'm on my way down the hall with a brisk walk that turns into a run. As I reach the doors to the breakfast room I feel so out of breathe. I try not to breathe in so hard to play it cool like I hadn't practically ran a mile to get here.

The doors open and I try my best to gracefully walk in while my lungs try to collect as much air as possible. I look around and realize I am the last one to be seated.

All eyes on me again.

"What did you do this morning? Fall into a fountain again?" Lady Ruby smirks causing a few ladies in the surrounding tables to giggle.


Seems like she didn't keep the incident that she witnessed to herself.

" You should try it, the water can fix that," I say while gesturing to her face on the "that". Causing a laugh to come out of Lady Eliza's mouth that was loud enough for the guards at the entrance door to turn their heads.

A plate of food was set in front of me and I dig in this time. I finally got used to the tight corsets and now I can enjoy my food. As I am stuffing my face with egg and bacon Lady Eliza brings up the ball.

" It's a masquerade ball. That is what one of the Queen's ladies in waiting told me last evening." Lady Eliza says with excitement in her eyes.

I feel happy when I see her excitement, but my mouth full of food abruptly stops chewing because it just hit me. Having masks on will make it ten times harder to identify everyone. My plan of getting Lady Eliza and the Prince to waltz together will be harder than I thought.

I gulp down my food and quickly ask, "How will we know who is who?".

"You won't that is the whole point of a masquerade ball," Lady Ruby cuts in with attitude glaring her beady eyes at me.

"That's why it will be so much fun!The Prince will never know who is who. Which gives everyone a fair chance." Lady Eliza adds.

I should really stop missing out on events because I had no idea the ball is a masquerade.

Just as I was about to ask another question one of the Queen's ladies in waiting comes into the room to give the daily morning announcement.

"Good morning ladies, the masquerade ball is tonight. The queen has picked all your masks out so do not panic about not having a mask. If a gentleman has asked you to the ball you must turn them down by the Queen's orders because this event is supposed to have mystery because then where is all the fun!" The lady in waiting says with smile at the end because she knows what chaos this could cause.

I know the Queen enjoys entertainment such as this. This ball was her idea I bet. All events are her idea. The Queen is so bored that she is trying to cause more drama and chaos another quality she passed to her son. I applaud her for that.


Now I have to meet Duke Amond at the daily lawn party to turn him down. Nothing goes my way. However, I can still be his partner at the ball if I can find and identify him. I'll need to know exactly what he is wearing tonight.

I'm not breaking the Prince's deal if he doesn't know I'm dancing with Duke Amond. I guess this masquerade isn't such a bad idea after all.

After breakfast I play cards with Anya and Helen in my room until the lawn party starts. I hastily make my way to the lawn on a mission to find Duke Amond to break the bad news and find out what he will be wearing tonight. I scan the lawn for him and can't find him. I scan 3 more times and still can't spot him.

"Looking for me?" A familiar voice says from behind startling me. I turn around to find Lawrence standing there with a smirk. His black hair laid perfectly with his signature scent traveling into my nostrils making me sick.

"You're the last person I would ever look for," I scowl.

Lawrence chuckles.

"I have somehow healed from my illness as part of our deal. Remember?"

"I remember very well," I add.

"Well enough to keep your part of the deal?" He questions as if he knows I plan to not.

Can he read my mind?

"Actually I am looking for Duke Amond to turn him down after he asked me to the ball," I say hoping Lawrence will buy it. I need him to think I'm not going to pursue Duke Amond so he can continue coming to the events.

"Good girl." Lawrence says patting my head like a dog. I roll my eyes and swat his hand away. Our height difference annoys the heck out of me. Why does this man have to be so tall!

"Duty calls over there," He adds leaning in and pointing to Duke Amond who is intently staring at us. I don't say another word to Lawrence and walk towards Duke Amond.

"We must speak," I say leading him to a more secluded location of the lawn so Lawrence can't see us. When I face Duke Amond his face seems unhappy as if he can tell what I am about to say.

"My little bird, I know you must reject me. I just found out about the Queen's rule," he says using the nickname "little bird" that he gave me causes me to crack a small smile. He softly brushing circles into my cheek with his thumb trying to comfort my stressed manor. Heat starts to form between my legs.

I must be touch starved if this is how I react. Get a grip Flora.

I let out a sigh of relief. I won't have to say the bad news.

"Tell me what you are wearing tonight so I may find you," I whisper.

He cracks a grin before dipping down next to my ear and whispering, "Blue velvet garments with a black mask."

My breathe hitches at our close proximity. His scent enters my nose and it's far more delightful than Lawrence's. The Duke's scent has a bit more sweetness to it. When he finally pulls away I find myself wanting him to come back closer but I must contain myself.

The ball is only hours away and I hate to admit that I am excited. I guess Lady Eliza's excitement has rubbed off on me.

Give it a star! Are you excited for the ball? I am gonna make it a crazy night to remember😏

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