Chapter 6- Finale Pt. 1

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"Commander! We're under attack!"

"Seriously?!" The Commander awoke to see one of his members shaking him awake. "Attack from who?"

"The terrorists!" The man was shaking with fear. Just hearing their name made Neutral shudder. He had to get Remin.

"What time is it?" Neutral asked.

"3:30 AM, sir."

Neutral shook his head. "They're crazy. How many have died?"

"I don't know, sir. All I know is that when they got into my room, they butchered everyone in it. I'm the only one that managed to escape."

So they're massacring my people, Neutral thought. "You stay here. I'm going to get Remin." The man nodded, and Neutral dashed out of his home. He ran tirelessly until he got to Remin's, then paused for a minute to catch his breath. As quietly as he could, he put on a mask and entered the house, then walked up the stairs on his tiptoes. He opened the door to Remin's room and tapped on his shoulder. Remin, being a light sleeper, nearly instantly awoke. He noticed the man and Neutral noticed a tinge of fear in his eyes until he removed the mask.

"Remin, we have to go now. Get Excalibur and come with me. My people inside the hotel are being slaughtered by the terrorists."

"What?! Alright, alright," Remin quickly plopped himself up onto the bed and out of it. "But what's with the mask?"

"Sorry kid, but I'm not jeopardizing my chances with your mom if she happens to notice us." He added with a wink. Remin almost laughed.

"You won't have a chance if you're dead. Now come on, let's go!" Remin whispered. Quietly, both walked down the stairs into the kitchen. Neutral put his mask back on.

"If she notices us, you go ahead without me. I'll stay behind and tie her up. Can't have her following us, after all. And we certainly can't have anyone else following us. It's too dangerous." Remin silently agreed as they found their way to the kitchen and to the door. They both stopped dead in their tracks, however, as they heard footsteps. The outline of Remin's mom visualized as she came into the kitchen barefoot and in her pajamas. Remin knew what to do and opened the door and walked out.

"Is that my son walking out?! At this early in the morning?" Remin's mom demanded to know. Neutral kept silent for fear that she would recognize his voice. "Let go of me!" She demanded, but Neutral carried her back to her bedroom. He came prepared. Taking rope out of his coat, he started by putting her in the center of her bed and tying her hands to one end of the bed. Then, with Remin's mom struggling to get away from the stranger, he then tied her feet to the other end of the bed.

"The neighbors are going to hear me, I'll make sure of it! And then they'll be after you!" But before she could shout for help, Neutral shoved a wad of cloth in her mouth from one of his coat pockets and wrapped some tape (from another of his pockets) around her head a few times. Sorry ma'am, but my people need me, Neutral thought as he turned away from her bedroom and ran out of the house once more. Remin needs me, too.


Remin ran as fast as he could to the hotel. It took him a good 5-10 minutes, and he was exhausted after reaching it. After a minute or two of catching his breath, he went inside. He knew exactly what he was going to do.

"HEY! IF YOU GUYS WANT A REAL FIGHT, YOU BETTER COME OUTSIDE! I'VE GOT THE SECOND GOLDEN WEAPON, EXCALIBUR!" Remin shouted and walked back outside. One by one, the terrorists, recognizable by their uniform clothes, walked out, followed by the remaining Kurikana. He led both groups to a vast, open, empty area of land, perfect for combat, and separated the two groups. Remin then realized what a massive number of terrorists there were. As he marveled at their number, he noticed a girl standing in their ranks. One that looked to be about his age. Curly blonde hair, green eyes....

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