Phone Call

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Maggie pov

It was the next day, i was laying on my bed holding my phone to me ear as i was on call with Anna and Maya.

"Oh my god, Na, Ma, ninth grade!" Maya said over the phone as i smiled chuckling a little.

"I know" Anna chuckled.

"Its going to be amazing" I sing sang, as they laughed a little.

"Who else is in homeroom with us?" Maya asked as i was looking through out 8th grade year book.

"Like a Sam?" she asked once more as i was writing in the yearbook.

"Oh, my god, he wishes" I chuckled drawing on all the bitches i hate.

"He wants you so bad, its crazy" Anna laughed a little as i smiled missing this.

"Ew! Na! Ma! Never in a trillion years, its disgusting" Maya said as i shrugged forgetting they couldn't see me.

"I dont know, hes not that bad looking" I said as they began to "OOO" as i rolled my eyes.

"But not for me! For Maya!" I laughed.

"True, Alex and Brandt are like in love with you" Na chuckled as i shook my head.

"nah" I said grabbing another marked.

"Do you think Alex is still dating Heather?" Anna asked as i put the marker down, laying on my bed looking at the ceiling.

"No, absolutely not. I heard the broke up, because Heather gave a handjob to both Brandt J. and Dustin L. this summer" she said as i scrunched my face up in disgust.

"Literally the whorest whore i know" I said as they laughed.

"that hoe bag"

"such a slut. Oh, my god, also, I heard that Connie M. grew double D's last night at camp" she said as i chuckled looking down at my chest that was no longer flat.

"Thats so effed up! how is that even possible"

"I dont know. It, like happened in the middle of her asleep" Maya said as i yawned.

"I dont know, I mean Ma grew boobs at camp, and lost her adorable chubby face" I heard Anna say as i laughed sitting up.

"Stop! Okay i did lost my face fat and grew boobs but i dont even know how" I shrugged going into my bathroom and looking in the mirror.

"Na, Ma?" Maya asked as i looked at my stomaching turning to the side and sucking it in.

"yeah" I asked letting out a breath, pushing my stomach out to realize it looked the same. small.

"Im gonna ask you guys something, and i want you to tell me the truth" Maya said, as i walked back into my room going into my closet.

"Swear on your life" she said as i grabbed a blue long sleeve crop top.

"Swear" Me and Anna said at the same time.

"Do i look exactly the same as last year?" she asked, as i thought back to last night she grew a few inches and her hair was longer.

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