First Day Of School

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Maggie pov

I smiled leaning back in my seat "Move your bag, dummy" Shujii said coming into the car.

"Dont call me that" Maya whined grabbing her bag, as he shut the door behind him , moving over once she grabbed her bag.

"Sup, Maggie" he said looking at me.

"hey" i smiled.

"Are we picking up Sam next?" Maya asked as Anna nodded and we headed to Sam's house

"are we picking up Sam next" Maya asked putting her seatbelt on.

"Yeah" Anna nodded putting hers on.

We arrived at Sam's, as he got into teh car greeting Anna's mom before closing the door and looking back at us.

"hi, guys" he said, before looking at Maya, mainly her hair.

"Maya, what the fuck did you do to your hair?" He asked looking right at her, as she slowly pulled her hand away from her hair.

"Na, Ma, you said it looked good"

"it does, dont listen to him" I said waving him off.

"it looks good, i dont know why he would say that!" Anna said grabbing Maya's hand.

"it looks like shit, Maya" he chuckled as i flicked his forehead.

"Ah, fuck, Maggie!"

"Suck my balls, S" i said rolling my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Suck these balls, M" he said as i looking at him.

"Ew!" Maya yelled.

"That's nasty, Sam" Anna said looking at him, as he smiled chuckling.

"God!" Maya wined, as he turned to the front after shrugging.

"hey, Shuji" Anna smiled sitting to the edge of her seat looking at him, as he didn't say anything to her.

I looked around feeling awkward, cause he obviously heard her. He's really hot though so its good. like so fucking hot. like fuck a me hot. anywasy-

"happy Tenth grade" she said before leaning back in her seat.



"This is good"

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" Anna and Maya said at the same time as i smiled sitting on Anna.

Shuji and Sam had already gotten out of the car, we were in the passenger back seat not going out as Anna stopped us.

"be cool"

"We are"

"you be cool"

"bye mom"

"bye Kathy"

"Guys, we have to do it at the exact same time" Anna said looking at us as we nodded.

"Lets hurry, im squished" I laughed.

"First steps in high school"

"oh, yeah"



"three" we said at the same time as we all stepped out of the car at the same time.

"Bye Kathy!" i smiled shutting the door as she waved driving off.

We looked over to our right only to see four boys walking together one really tall one and the rest short, looking to our right to see a girl and two guys kicking a mini ball back and forth. Continuing to walk when we saw a giant and then a guy that went to his mid stomach talking to each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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