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Narrator pov

Maggie Cohen, Anna Kone and Maya Isii-Peters, were the best of best friends.

They did anything and everything together, including preschool-Eight grade.

After 8th grade they planned to be at one another's house everyday to get ready for high school, the only thing is when Maggie got home from her last day of middle school her parent were sitting at the kitchen table waiting for her along with four other guys.

"Uh, mom, dad? What's going on?" she asked chuckling nervously.

"Honey, we've decided you need to be your own person, you're around that Maya and Anna every second of everyday" Her mom began then looking towards her dad.

"I mean, we love you having friends, but you guys are like molding into one another, you do everything together, you're always gone at their house, or they are always here" he said, as she began to pick at her fingers confused on what was going on.

"And so for the summer we have decided to send you to a camp" her mom said, as Maggie looked up at them wide eyed.

"wh-what?" she stuttered looking at her parents.

"Its an amazing camp" the guy said as she scoffed.

"Honey, please. we have talked and made up our mind, we have already packed some of your belongings" her dad said as they all stood up, as Maggie began to slowly back up.

"you, you cant do this. You cant just send me away!" she shouted feeling tears coming to her eyes.

"Im sorry baby" her mom said looking at her, glancing at the other guys as they nodded going over to her.

"Its a good camp, Maggie. You'll make new friends" they said as she backed away more.

"I dont want new friend's!" she shouted, as 2 of the guys coming over and grabbing each of her arms as she began to thrash around trying to get our of their grip.

"Mom! Dad! Please" she yelled looking at them, as they began dragging her to the door.

"I'm sorry, but it needs to be done" her mom sighed, as her dad couldn't even look her in the eyes.

"Mom! Dad! I-i dont, please dont do this" she yelled crying trying to do anything possible to get away from them.

"We love you, Maggie" her mom said as she was put into the back of the car.

"You cant do this! Dad please" she yelled banging on the door, as the 4 men got into the car.

"Dad!" she cried once they began to drive away.

Anna and Maya called her everyday no answer, when they went to her house no one answered, and the one time someone did, her mom said she ran away. They knew Maggie would never do that.

3 months later

Its was 3 days before school, Maggie was finally able to go home today, she didn't make any new friends besides one her names Ayla Parker.

Ayla got their a few months before Maggie despite having school. They mainly bonded over both of their parents forcing them to go here.

"How was it, Honey" Her mom asked placing Maggie's bags in the car.

Forcing a smile on her face as she never wanted to come back "it was good!  I made some friend's and I've finally realized i do need to be myself and not anyone else" she lied smiling at her parents'.

"See, we told you coming here would be good for you" Her dad smiling kissing the top of her head as they all got into the car.

Maggie grew up, it was obvious. Her hair was longer, her face wasn't as chubby, she had grown an inch or two, she was grew into the bra her mom forcer her to buy.

It was obvious she wasn't the Maggie that was taken away, she was different, and it was only a while before everyone else realized.

Maya and Anna were walking down the street, passing by Maggie's house they saw both cars meaning someone had to be home.

They smiled at eachohter before running across the street and knocking on the door.

"Yeah?" her mom asked answering the door.

"Is Maggie home?" Maya asked trying to looking behind Maggie's mom.

"No, you can see her in school" Her mom rudely said shutting the door in their face, they both sighed beginning to walk away.

"Pst!" they heard, looking around confused to see no one they began to walk away once more.

"Dumb asses up here!" Maggie whispered yelled throwing a rock at Anna.

"Maggie" they yelled as she hurriedly shushed them.

"where have you been?" Anna asked looking up at her.

"my mom and dad sent me to some weird ass camp" she said leaning on the window.

They gasped looking at each other "your mom said you ran away" they said in sync.

Maggie's mouth dropped open "bitch what!" she whispered to herself.

"Go home! I'm gonna call you just incase my mom comes in and finds me half outta my window!" she yelled as they nodded running off, as Maggie shut her window hearing someone coming up the stairs.

"Goodnight, baby! we love you" her mom smiled coming into her room as Maggie was acting as she was getting pj's.

"Goodnight! i love you more!" she smiled, it instantly leaving once her door was shut.

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