Chapter 4

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Y/N and I sat and talked for a very long time. She began by explaining the summary of her home life and childhood. If you could put a summary on something like that. Being the youngest of two sisters. Her mother being a beast keeper and her father being an auror. She explained some of her life experiences and traumas. She really trusted me and opened up to me. Even shedding light being a victim of sexual assault on multiple occasions and the death she had to witness in her family. Being a stabilizing factor for most of not everyone in her life. My heart hurt for her. She didn't deserve any of those sorts of things. Even with the darker things she explained, she didn't stop smiling. Often laughing. An odd reaction to traumatizing events.

After her life before Hogwarts, then she began on her journey here. How she met Fig and how good he was to her. The carriage flight here. The dragon attack, landing in ruins. Discovering ancient magic. Gringotts, ranrock, the ancient magic trials, all the battles she went through. Discovering and strengthening her powers, learning about the history of her magic. She explained some of the other things she went through with some of the other students throughout the year. Saving beasts with poppy, taking down Harlow and rookwood with Natty, and other things for other teachers and students. Finding answers for those students and teachers that couldn't find them for themselves.

She went into more detail about what happened during her escapades with Sebastian. An anger grew in me while I thought of how he was to her. She was nothing but good to him yet he treated her like she was a villain. He was cruel to both of us, but I couldn't even think of how he started treating me when I processed how he treated and talked to her. I felt so many different feelings throughout her stories. I had to stop her occasionally and exclaim my disbelief. Getting way into it. The last thing she talked about was her battle with Ranrock. She spoke about containing mass amounts of negative and dark magic. And how professor fig saved her. I pictured everything as best I could in my mind. Her stories definitely didn't help my feelings for her. All of it really shining light on how bad ass she really was. She had to be one of the strongest witches of our time. I may have been biased though, after all I am going to a school with little knowledge of the outside world. No matter, she will always be the most extraordinary thing to me. She wrapped up her story with a simple 'and that's it.' like she didn't just explain a legendary book worthy experience. I almost didn't realize that we had our hands linked for almost that entire time. Her wording and inflections in her voice fully captivated me. Our palms were sweaty but I definitely didn't mind. My hands were always cold so it was a nice change. A small silence followed and I thought about what else I could say. I felt her eyes on me, despite the fact I couldn't see I still had that human sense of people's gaze. Gradually I became more accustomed to hers especially. I had such a strong urge to tell her how much I really admired her. Right here, right now. With all things considered though I knew that would be unwise. My body however responded to this thought and my thumb started to rub lightly over her hand, similar to what she did to me earlier. I blinked rapidly and started to pull my hand away, afraid I overstepped. She was really the first person I engaged in this much physical touch with. I started to hang onto every ounce I could get. Before I could slide my hand away from hers she gripped it harder, keeping it there. My expression shifted into a slight shock as I wasn't prepared for that. My heart raced while my mind started throwing all kinds of sweet scenarios at me. A heat rose in my face and I managed to push out some words.

"Is.. everything okay? It's pretty late, I think it's time we should get some sleep." nothing but a painstakingly long silence followed. This didn't help where my mind was taking me at all. My breathing quickened slightly as I was unsure of what was going on.


All of a sudden after I finished speaking my heart throbbed with a sharp and heavy feeling. All the sudden all the weight of my life slammed into me. Perhaps I pushed it too far, talking about all this at such a heavy time. I felt frozen until Ominis tried to pull his hand away from mine. My body had a reaction I didn't quite control. I didn't let go of his hand and I felt like I couldn't speak. What was going on? Everything was going a million miles an hour but somehow standing completely still at the same time. Ominis started getting worried. He said my name a few times and placed his free hand on my shoulder. The noise of an apparating spell filled the air and Deek came walking in with a heavy expression. He laid a newspaper down on the table along with a piece of mail that was stamped with my family emblem. I finally managed to move my eyes and look at the papers in front of me. One was a newspaper, the front page caption and picture covered by a family letter.

"Deek wasn't sure.. But he thought you may want to look.." his tone sounded sad and he looked worried. Before I could say anything he snapped and apparated out. I released Ominis' Hand and finally spoke.

"I'm sorry, I froze up. Not sure what all that was about." I turned to face forward and moved the letter to reveal the front page story on the Daily Prophets news Paper. My eyes were greeted by Sebastian's pained face. Trying to fight off a couple pairs of hands on his wrists and shoulders. I started to immediately cry. Ominis catching on before I even started. "What is it? What happened?" he questioned worriedly. I touched the front of the newspaper, hoping to somehow feel the texture of his skin; being greeted with nothing but the rough texture of the thin paper.

"It's a news article about sebastian.. Young Hogwarts Student sent to Azkaban.." I read the title aloud. "It has his face on it.." My voice is shaking.

"Shit.." ominis whispers. I knew Deek's intentions were good but I definitely did not need this right now.

"Does it ever stop..?" I question as I lose my composure completely. It was just one thing after another. We barely had time to breathe. I rested my elbows on my knees and placed my forehead into my palm. Ominis pulled me into him, I loosely wrapped my arms around his waist. Crying again into his shoulder. I felt him snake his cold fingers up the base of my scalp into my hair, beginning to rock slightly. Something about that sensation almost made me feel okay. Like all my troubles were not real at that moment. I got a chill and leaned further into him. I felt myself calm down after a few moments. What was this? Something about his touch felt different now. Like a calming and warm electricity flowing into my spine then into the rest of my body. I felt myself slump into him. My tense body is fully relaxing for the first time in days. His heart was beating fast. I could feel it on my chin as it rested on his shoulder.

A few moments passed and I sat up, being able to control my tears now. I reached forward again for the letter and started opening it. "There's something else?" he questioned curiously. His hands fidgeted wildly in his lap.

"Yeah. A letter with my family crest." A sniffle following my words. I opened the letter and read it. Only 5 words written wildly on the parchment. I gasped and felt myself start to hyperventilate. Ominis touched my back and leaned in over my shoulder, like he was trying to see what the letter said. "What does it say??" he asked in a panicked tone at my reaction.

"Don't come home. Not Safe.." I said with a crackly voice. "It's from my mother.." 


They can't catch a break! Bit of a shorter chapter tonight, I may upload 2 chapters tomorrow or Monday. I promise they will have their heartfelt moment soon. ;) Have a good night and I love you all!

- Linkenstein

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