15 0 0

AGE: 18+

Information: plays genshin


The day started like always. I got bored and longed to play my favorite battery killing game: genshin impact.

I booted up my computer and immediately started playing as lumine, since the account i was playing on now was pretty new. Doing commissions would help me get more adventurer exp, so i decided to do one, i hadn't realized the game got updated so i had just assumed they probably added in a new commission. It was titled with 'add text here' meaning the creators didn't even title the commission...

For this commission i had to go to the very edge of the discovered parts of the map. Upon getting to the spot it was strange because there was no npc's, no enemies, nothing that would indicate there was anything needed to be done here— just land and a few scattered plants.

What was even more strange was there the fact that there seemed to be no animals nearby. Normally there was birds or other small animals there for meat or decoration, But it was empty. Void of any animals.

Stupid crappy pc. I thought to myself. If this stupid thing can't even load animals how am i gonna get Adventurer xp?

Damnit. i need to buy a new one.

Just then the red warning came across my screen that you'd get whenever entering a dangerous part of the game.

How would i describe how it made me feel Weird..? Absolutely freaked out....?


And just then my character loses all hp and falls down like it would if it died to an enemy.

"wake up!" A strange high pitch and slightly distorted voice could be heard faintly from the computer and then i feel reality slip away from me: Everything after that felt blurry.

I heard voices calling out to me— but i couldn't understand them. The voices kept calling out the same phrase until i fell into the abyss of sleep...

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