'I'm a nasty piece of work! Ask anybody!'

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'Letting go has never been my strong suit. Hanging on by my fingernails, kicking and screaming, that's more my style.'



Marshall 'Mars' Constantine


16 - 24


12th of May


2; Weaponry and Masonry


67th Hunger Games; Victor
75th Hunger Games; N/A


'TYNE. Constan-TYNE.'



Atticus Constantine; A wealthy weapons maker born and raised in District 2. Famed for his craft. [Deceased]

Gaia Constantine; Originally from District 11 with a varied knowledge of agriculture and plants. Now a stay-at-home wife. [Deceased]

Ceres Constantine; Mars' younger sister a fierce young girl even for her age but sensitive loving nonetheless. [Deceased]

appearance: Not conventionally handsome but certainly attractive.

Described as being approximately 6"0 tall, with a lean build, black hair styled in a short cut but appears to stand on its own, long face shape with a tall, refined nose and hooded eyes that are dark brown.

love interest: N/A


'Sure, sign I'm on the mend. I'm already back playing the old traitor's game.'


personality: Selfish and cynical, but trying to grow. He's never had much faith; he's never had much reason to. But that doesn't mean others don't have faith in him.

He's a person with strong values and seeks to understand before he acts, but... at the same time, he doesn't care about the impact his actions have on others. He comes across as insensitive and uncaring. Not to mention difficult to get along with. People have noticed he has an air of arrogance about him.

He's adaptable and curious. However, he takes these traits to the extreme and can be incredibly impulsive. Understanding what you're doing doesn't always mean thinking about what you're doing. While being adaptable, he can be incredibly bull-headed about certain things and will do anything to get his own way concerning them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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