Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

After I stand there and unpack while he sits, Zayn decides to break the silence."So Lisette is the name?" He asks. Does he really not know my name. I flip my black hair over my shoulder and answer.

"Yup! Don't wear it out" I say jokingly to him."I'll try not to" he said winking back at me with his beautiful brown eyes.

"Well I'm going to go make myself a Nutella sandwich. Want one?" He asks sweetly. Eyes filled with hope."Sure! Let me unpack real quick first" I say smiling at him. He chuckles and runs out the room to make a simple sandwich.

I unpack my little amount of clothes and walk out to the kitchen. I see Zayn has two plates set out with two sandwiches on top."They look delicious!" I say trying to boost his self-esteem."Why thank you" he says turning around blushing."Shouldn't I be making the sandwiches, though?" I ask giggling.

"I'll do it this once" Zayn says passing me my sandwich as he takes a bite of his. I giggle once more as I bite in to the smooth Nutella. The other four boys come racing in to the kitchen, sliding on the wood floor and what not. The boy with suspenders starts screaming.

"I WANT CARROTS!" Which makes me quickly run to the fridge and toss him a bag and he blows me a kiss."You're such a flirt Louis!" The blonde haired boy yells at him. So that's his name.

"Shut up Niall!" He screams back so now I know four of their names. Harry told me his name in the van. As they are running back to the living room the boy with a buzz cut falls. I rush over and help him up."Are you ok?" I ask, not wanting them to get hurt on, basically, my watch."Yeah, just slipped on my socks" he says wiping off his thighs with his hands. He smiled at me and ran off to be back with the boys again. I sighed as I still don't know his name.

I walk back in the kitchen and Harry has joined Zayn and I. They immediately stopped talking when I came near."Did I do something?" I ask, kind of suspicious of what they were doing."Nope!" They both said in unison. I raised one eyebrow as I continued eating my sandwich.

Harry got a soda from the fridge as Zayn was still eating his sandwich, trying not to make eye contact with me."So what do you guys wanna do?" Harry asks us."Nothing dangerous" I say raising my eyebrows at both of them, doing the hand signal saying I'm watching them."My middle name is danger" Zayn said raising one eyebrow and winked at me. I blush but I don't think it really showed too much with my olive skin.

"Good luck with that" I say patting him on the back as I walk out of the kitchen. I look back after a couple of steps and the two are just staring at me in awe. I hear Louis and Niall fighting on the floor for the last carrot."BREAK IT UP!" I scream and see shock in Liam's face. They both immediately stop on the floor. I got the voice from when I used to play Ice hockey. I used to get in to fights. Alot.

"Give me the carrot" I say as Louis hands me the carrot with his hair messed up. I wait until I get their full attention and bite in to the carrot with aggression. Louis and Niall both gasp loudly in their place.

"Nice move" a whisper says, sending a chill down my spine. I tilt my head and it was Zayn. I continue on chomping into the carrot and Liam laughs a loud, obnoxious laugh. But it was cute, causing me to smile.

After finishing my carrot, I sit on the couch next to Zayn."What are we all doing tonight?" Louis asks all of us."I'm staying home with Lisette. I don't want her alone" Zayn says, making me blush."We might do the same" Niall and Harry say, making my cheeks get a darker shade of red."I think I will too, but I want ice cream later! We should go get some!" Louis says looking in my eyes, making me nervous.

"I don't know" I say looking at the ground and carrying out the 'o'. Louis gets on his knees and hobbles over to my legs. He puts his hands on my knees and makes puppy eyes at me."Pwease?" he said still making big eyes at me."Only if everyone goes" I say with a stern look in my eye. He immediately jumps up and starts jumping around like crazy. Harry walks over to a huge stereo. He looks at Louis and he nods. What?

Harry starts playing a Cher Lloyd I remember from 8th grade. It's called With Ur Love. I loved it. Instead of opening up and dancing with them, I sat there by myself. But Niall catches me sitting by myself. He walks up to me and yanks me out of the seat as I hop off. Niall grabs my hands and starts moving my arms in strange moments, but I laugh it off and go with it, jumping around like the true 14 year old I am. But I'm 19.

In the middle of dancing I let go of Niall and start dancing crazy with everyone else. At one point I see Zayn looking at me so I go over to him as he twirls me around with his fingertips. I immediately blush as I continue getting dizzy and my hands fell on Zayn's chest as I look up at him. We look into each others eyes deeply for about 5 seconds and I take my hands off of his chest. I look at the ground and stand there awkwardly.

I see Zayn's feet step closer. I raise my head up to meet his eyes. He puts his forefinger under my chin and lifts my head up even more. My neck was stretched.

"You're beautiful" he said with LMFAO in the back round. Not really romantic but it was ok. I start blushes as he leans his head down and kissed me softly on the lips. I give in but then let go, as I feel eyes on me. I turn around and see Liam and Niall staring at me with their eyes open.

"Dammit" I whisper as I realize they noticed our kiss. I see Liam whisper what happen to Louis and his eyes pop open.

"Zayn! She's for housekeeping not loving!" he shouts as I speed walk to my bedroom and sit on the bed. Breathing and shaking at the same time, trying to handle my emotions that were going crazy. Does he love me? Or was it pressure?

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