Chapter 14 (FINAL): His Return

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It's been around a week since you've left the Blue Lock program. You had heard that Bachira had been sent home. Prior to your leave, you had given Bachira a paper with your address on it. Now you hope that he'll visit you.


"Y/N!" Monica said as she waved her hand in front of yours. "Time to go."

You snapped back into reality, and saw not only Monica but also Kiyoko and Miaka.

"S-sorry." You apologized as you hung your bag over your shoulder.

"Are you still thinking about him?" Miaka asked in her quiet voice.

"Yeah... It's been a week since I've left, and I heard Bachira recently got sent home. Maybe he's just busy, or sulking, but still..." I continued to have a faraway look in my eyes, remembering the times I had spent with him.

"I'm sure he'll come back for you!" Kiyoko said encouragingly. "He might even be waiting for you right now. Don't sweat it, I'm sure you two will see each other again."

I smiled at her. "You're right, I shouldn't worry."

Miaka checked her watch. "It's getting late guys. I have to go."

With that, our girls night out was over, with each of us going in our own, separate paths.

As I opened the door, I internally groaned. I was so tired, as thinking about Bachira all day just mentally tried me out.

"Hey, I've been waiting for a long time now." I heard a voice. 

"W-WHO'S THERE?" I quickly scrambled for a knife in my pocket, one that I always kept safe with me just in case things like this happened. I fumbled around for my phone too before demanding that the intruder show themselves. 

Granted I had been too tired to notice, or maybe I had forgotten their voice (quite a sin, to be honest), but I couldn't believe my eyes when Bachira stepped into view.

"Woah, babe, I know I haven't visited, but there's no need to get so mad over it!" He engulfed me into his hug, and I melted right into his arms. It was a familiar feeling, one that felt safe, warm and happy. 

As we withdrew from each other, I asked him,  "How'd you manage to get in? I made sure to lock my doors!"

He smirked. Gods, I missed that smirk. "Yeah, but you left a window open. Silly, forgetful you. I missed you so much." 

Before I could say that I missed him more, he kissed me. It wasn't anything so special, just your typical, long kiss that couples that hadn't seen each other in forever would have. 

But honestly, in that moment, everything was perfect. 

"So, whatcha wanna do now that I'm home?" Bachira asked. 

"Woah, I never said this was your home. But if you want to  so desperately, I guess I could tolerate you being here." I glanced over at him mischievously. 

Bachira gave a little laugh before saying, "Okay, but I want cuddles. Can we go cuddle? And watch something? I wanna go watch something." 

I laughed too. "Sure, buddy, come on. I'll show you where the living room is. You can get settled and I can get us some food." 

"Actually," he said as he held my hand, our fingers intertwined. "I've already got everything ready. I scouted your kitchen and explored your house. I can't believe you don't have any pictures of me hanging around though." He said the last part with a pout.

"Oh, Bachira," I said as I pinched his cheek, "I didn't have any pictures of you, silly boy." We flung ourselves onto the couch and stuffed our faces with food while cuddling with each other.

"What do you wanna watch?" I asked, glancing over at him. 

"You." He said flirtatiously as he gave me a peck on the forehead. What a little demon.

"Okay, okay, what do you actually wanna watch on the TV?" I asked again as I snuggled closer to him.

"You choose. I'll watch anything you wanna watch." 

"Alright." I put on f/s (favorite show), and enjoyed our little reunification party. Just the two of us, like I've always loved. 


I woke up on the couch the next day, with the smell of pancakes wafting through my nose. It smelled heavenly! I figured that since Bachira wasn't by my side, he was the one making the pancakes. I got up and went to the bathroom to shower and get dressed.

I hadn't showered the previous night, so I must've stank. Why hadn't I thought of that last night? I internally sobbed at the thought. 

Once I hopped out of the bathroom, I practically ran over Bachira, who was carrying two plates of pancakes towards the kitchen table. 

"Woah, slow down there Y/N, you're like a monster truck. Don't run me over." He shot me his smile before giving me a kiss. I kissed him back.

"Wow, I didn't know you could cook!" I said as I shoveled the pancakes into my mouth. How did he know this was my one weakness? Pancakes... Oh, they were delicious. 

"Yeah, well, me neither. This was after many failed attempts. Do you like them?" Bachira came over and sat across me, wolfing down his pancakes too.

"This is work within a few hours?? Not bad, Bachira!" I continued to devour them until I finished them all.

"I'm so glad you enjoyed them, Y/N." 

He finished his food and we did the dishes together, like husband and wife. Then, all of the sudden, he lifted my chin up and pulled me into another of his mesmerizing kiss.

What a perfect way to start a day.


I hope you guys liked it, especially since this is my first story and it felt so bad ToT



I might do another too (an AU), but for now I'm gonna be focusing on my oneshot book (requests are open so feel free to drop one :))

I also wanna do a book of oneshots just for Bachira bc we love him. And by we I mean I. I love him.

Anyways go drop some reqs into my oneshot book, and tell me what you guys think of a oneshot book dedicated to Bachira (I might also do one for Nagi)



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