♡*:.。.Chapter 2 .。.:*♡

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♡ ~('▽^人)

Chapter 2 - New Girl?

"Young Y/n would you like to join UA?"





For the first time, the three men see the young girl's expression twist, not in anger, or fear but pure. utter. confusion. Full head tilt, nose scrunch, eyebrow raise. There's a stunned silence.

"I see your confusion" The little rat laughs, he waddles up the bed and holds a hand out to the girl laid out in the bed. The girl looks at the outstretched hand. Letting out an awkward laugh the man lifts her hand up and cups it in his, lightly shaking it giving her a look of 'this is what you're meant to do'. "My name is Nezu, I'm the principal of the prestigious UA academy. Aizawa has been a big advocate for you to become a part of his hero class. They're a lovely group of kids you're age, you'll fit right in" He smiles brightly down at the girl.

"No thank you," she says, hand still cupped in his very fuzzy hand. "WHAT!?" the three men shout. Each of them looks taken aback by her statement. "I'd like to go back to a fighting ring please, I'm not useful for anything else," she says matter-of-factly. A sinking empathy hits all the men. This young woman has no comprehension of anything outside of a fighting pit. "Y/n" Aizawa speaks catching Y/n's attention. "Do you know who this is?" He says pointing to the skeletal man. She shakes her head no.

The blonde steps forwards. "My name is Toshinori Yagi but previously my hero's name was All Might" He pauses waiting for a reaction. Blink. Blink. No reaction at all. "I was previously the highest-ranking hero in japan. As a hero, it was my duty to protect civilians and defeat evil" "Defeat evil?" Y/n repeats. "Yes! As a hero, it was my solemn vowel to train my hardest and make sure I could help as many people as I could" The girl nods.

"Are you a hero?" she says turning to Aizawa. He nods. "You're a good hero," she says shortly. "Whys that?" She reaches up holding her cheek, her lip has healed since that night but the scars climbing up her neck and cheeks never will. The scars look as if they were all in an attempt to kill her. She touches her cheek and then leans over touching his stubbled cheek. "you were brave enough to touch me... no one has ever been brave enough to touch me outside of combat"

Aizawa makes a note of how rough her fingers are. Her hands were shaky and nervous. She withdraws her hand not being used to touching someone that isn't in a fight. "Would I become a hero... at your... UA" She says looking down at her intertwined fingers. "Yes of course, we'd need to go over your paperwork, get you your license, and teach you the basics of the school but if you're willing we can help you to become a great hero!" Nezu cheers.

"And heroes are meant to fight" "Fight and protect those who can't" Toshinori corrects. Y/n nods in understanding.

Soon enough after more questions they all left Y/n to rest. She ended up falling into a deep sleep for another 4 days only waking to eat, drink and go to the bathroom. Eventually, the nurses informed Aizawa that Y/n was well enough to be discharged but, advised her to go slow.

In the passing weeks, Y/n had to be placed in one of the spare small apartments for teachers at UA while her room was being built. Over the weeks Aizawa would teach her mini-lessons on a variety of subjects and spar with her. He realized quickly she didn't understand the difference between sparing and life-or-death battles which he was quick to correct. Aizawa assured her that if anyone threatened her now they wouldn't go through with anything which gave her a new sense of confidence when interacting with people.

"If a villain was threatening the city and you had to fight them what would you do?" he questioned after one of their sparring matches.

"Kill them"

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