♡*:.。.Chapter 20 .。.:*♡

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Chapter 20 - Clean

Why is everyone staring at me?

The girl thought as a bouncy curl fell in front of her face. The class could now see their classmate, dressed as she always did. The dorkish tights under her skirt with no jacket on. But today something was far less dorky about her.

Having her hair properly pampered for the first time in her life revealed how healthy and beautiful the girl's hair was. As Momo, Mina and Jirou discovered yesterday when washing Y/n's hair, her pink hair had single strands of golden locks creating a highlighted shimmer to her hair.

This was more prevalent now that her hair was dried. Mina had spent all morning helping Y/n brush out the curls so now she had luscious bouncy hair that lay loosely across her shoulders. Even though Mina wanted her to tie her hair up Y/n didn't feel comfortable having it up for class.

Aoyama had left some eyeliner and lip gloss for the girl to use so she had very neutral makeup on but it still created a more delicate feminine look to the girl that the class had never seen. Looking back no one could imagine the sweet little angel in front of them covered in another man's blood.

Mina looked at the girl and bounced her eyebrows trying to signal the girl to do something "Oh" Y/n mumbled before looking up to the class and showing her teeth in a lop-sided half smile. It was Y/n's best attempt at a smile she could do, Mina said a smile makes anyone look cuter.

"Oh my goodness she's so cute" Kaminari sighed, Y/n awkwardly wandered over to her desk attempting to ignore the silent stares of her classmates but failing hard. She turned her head to see Bakugo giving her half-lidded eyes, he looked calm yet still as angry as he usually does.

"What the fuck did you do to your hair weirdo?" He snarled, she dragged her fingers through her free hair "I don't really know... The other girl said it would make me more presentable" "Presentable? You were covered in burns and sweat yesterday afternoon. Who gives a shit how you look if you can take a straight-on blast from my quirk, you're strong you don't need to be presentable" What he said felt like a lecture, and it was contrasting all the praise and advice the girls and Aoyama had given her the day before.

"Thank you Bakugo..." She looked over to Mina who was giving her a sweet smile of encouragement "I wish to make you bleed at my hands" "THAT'S NOT WHAT I WAS ENCOURAGING YOU TO DO!" Mina shrieked.

The whole time during class Y/n was distracted by how fluffy her hair was and Bakugo was distracted by how beautiful her hair was. He was telling the truth, he believed strength held more value than how you looked. But still seeing the mini transformation the girl went through he wasn't against it.

Between breaks Y/n had gotten a lot of compliments, even Iida had said her appearance was "Pleasant". Y/n didn't care for the attention but she also didn't clock the subtle attempt from several of her male classmates to ask her out. Each time she would shoot them down with a matter-of-fact statement or agree but in a way that meant she didn't understand what they were asking. 

Finally, it was Hero Training so Aizaa sent everyone to get changed into their costumes. Today was finally the day Aizawa saw fit for Y/n to participate in again. Eagerly she casually sped walked ahead of the group and quickly darted into the changing room. 

Mina skipped in after her "Jeez babes class isn't gonna start without you" She giggled seeing her friend frantically try to pull the shirt over her head. She stumbled backwards as she flailed around trying to get the garment off. Mistepping she tripped and landed on the bench in the middle of the room. 

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