Part 2 - The Ball

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"What was all of that about?" Lantana asked, slightly dazed by all the care.

Handmaidens had rushed in giving Lantana extensive nurturement without notice. Brushing through her hair, washing her face, and then throwing shades of fabric upon her. Violet had been amongst them and was the only one who remained once they all filed out.

"Oh, you have not heard?" Violet questioned Lantana, to be met with a revoking shake of her head. "A ball is being held to celebrate your return. It will take place in a week, but you need to be freshened up before making an appearance at supper and around the faces of others. I'd suspect that they're running off to gather materials to fashion your dress for the ball."

"Oh," was all Lantana said. Her mind was reeling having experienced even a fraction of her old lifestyle.

Combs had ripped through the knots in her hair, and powder and cosmetics had been applied. Looking at herself in the mirror, Lantana saw the person she had been. A... princess. So used to only seeing her reflection in the waters of a clear lake, the delicacies of her life were hard to take in. Lantana saw the face of royalty, dirt-free and pretty. Not the face of common folk that she had been so used to.

Yet, one thought was able to make its way to the front of her mind. A ball would host all the important royal officials, along with ones from outside their country.

The general was one of the most important royal officials, and he would certainly attend.

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The rest of the week had dragged by quite slowly, the only thrill in her day being when her team of handmaidens entered her room to work on the dress. If you could even call it a 'thrill". Other than that, her life was just as she remembered it. Attend meetings with her father only to be denied when she wanted to speak. Be seated at his side whenever his duties are called. And of course, to be trapped in her room with the Royal Guard outside her door always withholding her access to the outside world.

Yet, Lantana's excitement grew as the day of the ball came. It due to start late afternoon and last until midnight. The morning of that day seemed to stretch on for years, but as the clocks chimed noon, the handmaidens had worked tirelessly making, well, a dress suitable for a princess. They had hurried into her room bearing the completed dress in the early morning and helped get Lantana into it.

The soft fabric hugged her skin comfortably, and she was led to a full-sized mirror to see their work. And it was absolutely beautiful. Wearing a hoop skirt, it extended a foot in every direction. There were ruffles and extravagant trim, and it was embedded with jade to create an amazing pattern.

"Wow," Lantana said, in complete awe of the dress

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"Wow," Lantana said, in complete awe of the dress. Turning, she addressed the team that had worked on it, "This is magnificent. Thank you so much for all the work you've put in."

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